24 count intro starting on vocals
Sequence: 48, Tag 1, 48, Tag 2, 48, Tag 1, 48, Tag 2, 48, Tag 1, 48, 48, 48, Tag 2
(see notes below)
Cross sweep, cross sweep
1 2 3Cross left over right, sweeping right foot around left to left
4 5 6Cross right over left, sweeping left foot around right
Cross, side, behind, step drag
1 2 3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right
4 5 6Large step right to right side, dragging left foot to right
¾ turn left sweeping right, step, low hitch, kick
1 2 3Make ¼ turn left, stepping left forward and sweeping right around ½
4 5 6Step forward right, hitch left and low kick forward (3:00)
Step back left, right, left, step back, drag
1 2 3Step back left, right, left
4 5 6Large step back on right, drag left towards right over 2 counts
Step, ½ turn L, step, coaster step
1 2 3Step forward left, ½ turn left stepping back right, step back left
4 5 6Step back right, step left together with right, step forward right (9:00)
½ turn right, ½ turn right, step, ½ turn right, ½ turn right, step
1 2 3Make ½ turn right stepping back left, sweep right around ½, step forward right
4 5 6Make ½ turn right stepping back left, sweep right around ½, step forward right (9:00)
Basic forward and back
1 2 3Step forward on left close right next to left, close left next to right
4 5 6Step back on right, close left next to right, close right next to left
Step forward, ¼ turn left sweep, cross, ¼ turn right, ½ turn right
1 2 3Step forward left, make ¼ left sweeping right (6:00)
4 5 6Cross right over left, turn ¼ right stepping back on left, ½ turn right stepping forward right (3:00)
Tag 1: (6 counts) happens at the end of wall 1 (3:00), wall 3 (9:00) and wall 5 (3:00)
Basic forward and back
1 2 3Step forward on left close right next to left, close left next to right
4 5 6Step back on right, close left next to right, close right next to left
Tag 2: (24 counts) happens at the end of wall 2 (6:00), wall 4 (12:00) and wall 9 (3:00)
Twinkle left & right, cross, ¼, ¼, cross, rock recover, side
1 2 3Cross left over right, rock to right side, recover onto left
4 5 6Cross right over left, rock to left side, recover onto right
1 2 3Cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back right, ¼ turn left stepping to left side
4 5 6Rock right over left, recover left, step right to right side
REPEAT these 12 counts
No tags on walls 6,7,8
Contact: newattitudelinedance@gmail.com
Last Revision - 21st July 2013
Sequence: 48, Tag 1, 48, Tag 2, 48, Tag 1, 48, Tag 2, 48, Tag 1, 48, 48, 48, Tag 2
(see notes below)
Cross sweep, cross sweep
1 2 3Cross left over right, sweeping right foot around left to left
4 5 6Cross right over left, sweeping left foot around right
Cross, side, behind, step drag
1 2 3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right
4 5 6Large step right to right side, dragging left foot to right
¾ turn left sweeping right, step, low hitch, kick
1 2 3Make ¼ turn left, stepping left forward and sweeping right around ½
4 5 6Step forward right, hitch left and low kick forward (3:00)
Step back left, right, left, step back, drag
1 2 3Step back left, right, left
4 5 6Large step back on right, drag left towards right over 2 counts
Step, ½ turn L, step, coaster step
1 2 3Step forward left, ½ turn left stepping back right, step back left
4 5 6Step back right, step left together with right, step forward right (9:00)
½ turn right, ½ turn right, step, ½ turn right, ½ turn right, step
1 2 3Make ½ turn right stepping back left, sweep right around ½, step forward right
4 5 6Make ½ turn right stepping back left, sweep right around ½, step forward right (9:00)
Basic forward and back
1 2 3Step forward on left close right next to left, close left next to right
4 5 6Step back on right, close left next to right, close right next to left
Step forward, ¼ turn left sweep, cross, ¼ turn right, ½ turn right
1 2 3Step forward left, make ¼ left sweeping right (6:00)
4 5 6Cross right over left, turn ¼ right stepping back on left, ½ turn right stepping forward right (3:00)
Tag 1: (6 counts) happens at the end of wall 1 (3:00), wall 3 (9:00) and wall 5 (3:00)
Basic forward and back
1 2 3Step forward on left close right next to left, close left next to right
4 5 6Step back on right, close left next to right, close right next to left
Tag 2: (24 counts) happens at the end of wall 2 (6:00), wall 4 (12:00) and wall 9 (3:00)
Twinkle left & right, cross, ¼, ¼, cross, rock recover, side
1 2 3Cross left over right, rock to right side, recover onto left
4 5 6Cross right over left, rock to left side, recover onto right
1 2 3Cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back right, ¼ turn left stepping to left side
4 5 6Rock right over left, recover left, step right to right side
REPEAT these 12 counts
No tags on walls 6,7,8
Contact: newattitudelinedance@gmail.com
Last Revision - 21st July 2013