Improver Nightclub
Intro 16 count
Nightclub right, Spiral ½ turn right, Nightclub right, side, sailor ¼ turn step right
1-2&Step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L, ( 12 O´clock)
3-4&-5½ turn right stepping L to side sweep R, step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L (6)
6&-7&Step L to side, sweep R behind L, L beside R, step R fwd., (9)
Lockstep, Rock step, ½ turn right, full turn right, right coaster back, Together side step ¼ turn left
8&1Step L fwd., lock R behind L, step L fwd., (9)
2&3Rock R , recover L, ½ turn right stepping R fwd., (3)
4&5½ turn right stepping L back, ½ turn right stepping fwd. R, step L (3)
6&7&Step back R, step L beside R, step R fwd., step L beside R (3)
Side rock ¼ turn left, Step R, Sweep L cross R, Back, Back, Sweep Cross, Back, Back, Back rock, ¼ right big step left,
8&1Rock R to side, ¼ turn left, step R fwd., (12)
2&3-4&5Sweep L cross R, step back R, step back L, sweep R cross L, step back L, step back R (12)
6&7L Back rock, ¼ turn right stepping big step on L (3)
R sailor side, L Sailor step, Sweep R cross L, back, ½ turn right, Full turn right,
8&1Sweep R behind L, step L beside R, Big step R (3)
2&3sweep L behind R, step R beside L, step L fwd., (3)
4&5Sweep R cross L, step back R, ½ turn right stepping R fwd., (9)
6&7½ turn right stepping back L, ½ turn right stepping R fwd., step L fwd. (9)
R coaster , Sweep L cross R, Back, Back, Sweep cross, back, ½ turn right, rock step, ¼ turn left, Step ¼ turn left
8&1Step back R, step L beside R, step R fwd., (9)
(Restart on 5 wall, 8& restart, 12 O´clock)
2&3-4&5Sweep L cross R, step back R, step back L, Sweep R cross L,step back L, ½ turn right stepping (3)
6&7Rock L, recover R, 1/4 turn left stepping L to side (12)
R Cross rock, Side, L cross rock ¼ turn left, Lock step, step ¼ turn right cross, Full turn left
8&1Step R fwd., ¼ left, cross rock R (6)
2&3&Recover L, step R to side, cross rock L, recover L, ¼ left (3)
4&5Step R fwd., lock L behind R, step R fwd., (3)
6&7Step L fwd. , ¼ turn right, cross L over R (6)
8&½ turn left stepping back R, ½ turn left stepping L fwd. (6)
Tag after 2 wall , 4 x Basic Nightclub
1,2&Step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L
3-4&Step L to side, step R behind L, step L cross R
5-6&Step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L
7-8&Step L to side, step R behind L, step L cross R
Nightclub right, Spiral ½ turn right, Nightclub right, side, sailor ¼ turn step right
1-2&Step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L, ( 12 O´clock)
3-4&-5½ turn right stepping L to side sweep R, step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L (6)
6&-7&Step L to side, sweep R behind L, L beside R, step R fwd., (9)
Lockstep, Rock step, ½ turn right, full turn right, right coaster back, Together side step ¼ turn left
8&1Step L fwd., lock R behind L, step L fwd., (9)
2&3Rock R , recover L, ½ turn right stepping R fwd., (3)
4&5½ turn right stepping L back, ½ turn right stepping fwd. R, step L (3)
6&7&Step back R, step L beside R, step R fwd., step L beside R (3)
Side rock ¼ turn left, Step R, Sweep L cross R, Back, Back, Sweep Cross, Back, Back, Back rock, ¼ right big step left,
8&1Rock R to side, ¼ turn left, step R fwd., (12)
2&3-4&5Sweep L cross R, step back R, step back L, sweep R cross L, step back L, step back R (12)
6&7L Back rock, ¼ turn right stepping big step on L (3)
R sailor side, L Sailor step, Sweep R cross L, back, ½ turn right, Full turn right,
8&1Sweep R behind L, step L beside R, Big step R (3)
2&3sweep L behind R, step R beside L, step L fwd., (3)
4&5Sweep R cross L, step back R, ½ turn right stepping R fwd., (9)
6&7½ turn right stepping back L, ½ turn right stepping R fwd., step L fwd. (9)
R coaster , Sweep L cross R, Back, Back, Sweep cross, back, ½ turn right, rock step, ¼ turn left, Step ¼ turn left
8&1Step back R, step L beside R, step R fwd., (9)
(Restart on 5 wall, 8& restart, 12 O´clock)
2&3-4&5Sweep L cross R, step back R, step back L, Sweep R cross L,step back L, ½ turn right stepping (3)
6&7Rock L, recover R, 1/4 turn left stepping L to side (12)
R Cross rock, Side, L cross rock ¼ turn left, Lock step, step ¼ turn right cross, Full turn left
8&1Step R fwd., ¼ left, cross rock R (6)
2&3&Recover L, step R to side, cross rock L, recover L, ¼ left (3)
4&5Step R fwd., lock L behind R, step R fwd., (3)
6&7Step L fwd. , ¼ turn right, cross L over R (6)
8&½ turn left stepping back R, ½ turn left stepping L fwd. (6)
Tag after 2 wall , 4 x Basic Nightclub
1,2&Step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L
3-4&Step L to side, step R behind L, step L cross R
5-6&Step R to side, step L behind R, step R cross L
7-8&Step L to side, step R behind L, step L cross R