CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just A Little Psycho

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High Beginner
Donna Manning (USA) - April 2013
Mama's Broken Heart - Miranda Lambert
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3 places to fix…. On counts 11 &12 on the 4th rotation and the 8th rotation you will alter the steps from the pattern to adjust for the music and phrasing.
On the 9th rotation there will be a 4 count tag after the first 20 counts of the dance and breathe…you will begin again on the word 'fix'….go and 'fix' your makeup….after the pause in the music.
16 count intro……

Sec. 1: (1-8) Step, Kick, Step, Touch, Step, Rock, Recover, Back, Together
1, 2Step forward on the L, Kick the R forward
3, 4Step back on the R, Touch the L back (black bottom steps)
5, 6, 7Step L forward, Rock forward on R, Recover weight back to L
8, &Step R back, Close L to R (12:00)

Sec. 2: (9-16) R Triple Step Forward, ¼ Turn R L Back Triple, R Side Triple, L Cross Kick, Step, Touch
1&2Step R forward, Close ball of L to R, Step R forward
***on the 4th and 8th rotation you must change counts 3, 4 to – Step L forward and on the ball of the L turn ½ turn R as you step R to R side – ready to RESTART the dance.
3&4On the ball of the R ¼ turn R Step back on L, Close ball R to L, Step back on L
5&6Step R to R Side, Close L to R, Step R to R side
7&8Kick L across R, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L (3:00)

Sec.3: (17-24) Side, Kick, Side, Kick, ¼ Turn R Triple, L Mambo Step
1, 2, 3, 4Step R to side, Kick L across R, Step L to L side, kick R across L
***on the 9th rotation, right after the second time you fix the phrasing, you will do: the 1st 20 counts above, then insert these steps:
.5) Step R across L (your foot will already be in the air just step down across the L)
.6) ¼ turn to the R stepping back on the L
.7) Step R to R side
.8) Touch L next to R
** You will restart on the word “fix”, go and “fix” your makeup………there will still be a pause before you restart…you’ll have to feel through it.
5&6Step R to R side, close L to R, Turn ¼ R as you Step R forward
7&8Rock forward on L, Recover weight to R, Step back on L (6:00)

Sec. 4: (25-32) Step, Touch, Step, Together, Heel Split, R Flick, Heel Split, L Flick
1, 2, 3, 4Step R back on a diagonal, Touch L next To R, Step L back on a diagonal, Bring R center with L –weight even
5&On the balls of both feet, take heels out from center at the same time, return heels to center taking weight to the L foot
6&Leaving weight on the L, flick R heel out to the R side, return R to center taking weight to both feet
7&On the balls of both feet, take heels out from center at the same time, return heels to center taking weight to the R foot
8Leaving weight on the R, flick L heel out to the L side (leaving foot up ready to begin the dance again with L) (6:00)



Please do not alter this step sheet in any way.
If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.

Video rights assigned to choreographer.
All rights reserved

1 评论

donnaz April 18, 2013
This is the basic framework for the intermediate version. The two versions can be danced together without getting in each other's way. Have fun! Her music video was the inspiration for the dance's name.

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