Start the dance on the words “You take” - Pattern: Each Sequence Turns ¼ Right
1-2Touch R heel fwd, Touch R toe across & beside L
3-4Touch R heel fwd, Touch R toe beside L
5-6Step R to R side, Touch L beside R with clap
7-8Step L to L side, Touch R beside L with clap
1-4Vine R, Touch L beside R with clap ....see note below for vine
5-8Vine L, Touch R beside L with clap
1-2Rock-step R fwd, Replace on L
3&4Shuffle back R-L-R
5-6Rock-step L back, Replace on R
7&8Shuffle fwd L-R-L
Monterey ¼ turn
1-2Touch R toe to R side, Turn ¼ R on L foot & step R beside L 3:00
3-4Touch L toe to L side, Step L beside R
Box step
5-8Cross-step R over L, Step L back, Step R to R side, Step L fwd
Vine R
Step R to R side, Cross-step L behind R, Step R to R side
Vine L
Step L to L side, Cross-step R behind L, Step L to L side
For a 64 count dance 2 Wall Easy Intermediate dance, see Loch Lomond by Barbara Hile
Northside Linedancers - www.northsidelinedancers.com - Phone: 9489 2367 Mob: 0424 536 907- E mail: carl@hotkey.net.au
1-2Touch R heel fwd, Touch R toe across & beside L
3-4Touch R heel fwd, Touch R toe beside L
5-6Step R to R side, Touch L beside R with clap
7-8Step L to L side, Touch R beside L with clap
1-4Vine R, Touch L beside R with clap ....see note below for vine
5-8Vine L, Touch R beside L with clap
1-2Rock-step R fwd, Replace on L
3&4Shuffle back R-L-R
5-6Rock-step L back, Replace on R
7&8Shuffle fwd L-R-L
Monterey ¼ turn
1-2Touch R toe to R side, Turn ¼ R on L foot & step R beside L 3:00
3-4Touch L toe to L side, Step L beside R
Box step
5-8Cross-step R over L, Step L back, Step R to R side, Step L fwd
Vine R
Step R to R side, Cross-step L behind R, Step R to R side
Vine L
Step L to L side, Cross-step R behind L, Step L to L side
For a 64 count dance 2 Wall Easy Intermediate dance, see Loch Lomond by Barbara Hile
Northside Linedancers - www.northsidelinedancers.com - Phone: 9489 2367 Mob: 0424 536 907- E mail: carl@hotkey.net.au