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It'd Sure Be Cool

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Intermediate - NC2 rhythm
John Huffman (USA) - February 2013
Sure Be Cool If You Did - Blake Shelton : (Album: Based on a True Story)
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Intro: Start dance after 16 counts, on lyrics “gonna keep it real”

Big Side, Behind-Side-Cross, 1/4-1/4-Cross, Rock-Recover-Cross-Rock-Recover-TwistHitch-1/4
1.1) Big step R to side, dragging L toe
2&3.2) Step L behind R &) Step R to side 3) Step L across R
4&5.4) Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R &) Turn 1/4 L stepping L to side 5) Step R across L (6:00)
6&7.6) Rock L to side &) Recover R 7) Step R across L
&8&1.&) Rock R to side 8) Recover L &) Hitch R knee across L (look L but twist upper body/arms R) 1) Turn 1/4 R stepping fwd on R (9:00)

1/2-1/2-Fwd, Rock Recover-Sweeps, Sailor 1/2
2&3.2) Turn 1/2 R stepping back on L &) Turn 1/2 R stepping fwd on R 3) Step L fwd
4&5.4) Rock R fwd &) Recover L 5) Step R back, starting L sweep
6-7.6) Sweep L to step behind R 7) Sweep R to step behind L
8&1.8) Sweep L behind and across R turning 1/4 L, weight to L &) Turn 1/4 L step R in place 1) Step L across R (3:00)

Side Samba (2), Front Rock-Side Rock-Behind-Side-Cross
2&3.2) Step R to R diagonal fwd &) Pivot to L diagonal (weight to L) 3) Step R fwd
4&5.4) Step L fwd &) Pivot to R diagonal (weight to R) 5) Step L fwd
6&7&.6) Rock R fwd &) Recover L (square up with wall) 7) Rock R to side &) Recover L
8&1.8) Step R behind L &) Step L to side 1) Step R across L (3:00)
3 count Tag here on Wall 6 after 8&1 then Restart dance

Rhumba Box, Back-Lock-Back, Sailor 1/2
2&3.2) Step L to side &) Step R next to L 3) Step L fwd
4&5.4) Step R to side &) Step L next to R 5) Step R back
6&7.6) Step L back &) Lockstep R across L 7) Step L back
8&.8) Sweep R behind and across L turning 1/4 R, weight to R &) Turn 1/4 R stepping R in place (9:00)

Repeat, Have FUN :-)

TAG: After wall 2 (6:00), include the following 8 count tag
NC2 Basic, Sway (x2), NC2 Basic, Sway (x2)
1-2&.1) Big step R to side 2) Step L behind R &) Step R across L
3-4.3) Step L to side, sway L 4) Sway R, weight to R
5-6&.5) Big step L to side 6) Step R behind L &) Step L across R
7-8.7) Step R to side, sway R 8) Sway L, weight to L

TAG/RESTART: On wall 6 (9:00), dance up to and including the “1” of the 8&1 of the 3rd set, you will be facing 12:00, add the following 3 count tag then restart dance facing 12:00
I’ve included the 8&1 of the 3rd set here for reference
8&1.8) Step R behind L &) Step L to side 1) Step R across L
2-3-4.2) Step L to side, sway L 3) Sway R, weight to R 4) Sway L, weight to L
Restart dance

ENDING: On wall 8 (9:00), after 6& of the 3rd set (Rock R fwd, Recover L)
7&8.7) Hook R behind L &) Unwind full turn to front wall 8) Step R to R side


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