Absolute Beginner
Dance starts on main vocal
Section 1: Toe Touch (x4)
1-4touch right toe to right side, step right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right
5-8touch right toe to right side, step right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right
Section 2: Heel Touch (x4)
1-4touch right heel forward, step right foot by left, touch left heel forward, step left foot by right
5-8touch right heel forward, step right foot by left, touch left heel forward, step left foot by right
Section 3: Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left with ¼ Turn Left, Touch
1-4step right foot to side, step left foot behind right, step right foot to side, touch left toe next to right
5-8step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, turn ¼ left stepping on left foot, touch right toe next to left
Contact: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com
Section 1: Toe Touch (x4)
1-4touch right toe to right side, step right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right
5-8touch right toe to right side, step right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right
Section 2: Heel Touch (x4)
1-4touch right heel forward, step right foot by left, touch left heel forward, step left foot by right
5-8touch right heel forward, step right foot by left, touch left heel forward, step left foot by right
Section 3: Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left with ¼ Turn Left, Touch
1-4step right foot to side, step left foot behind right, step right foot to side, touch left toe next to right
5-8step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, turn ¼ left stepping on left foot, touch right toe next to left
Contact: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com