High Improver
32 count intro, Start on word (broke)
Sec 1: Vine right with heel slaps
1-4step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, slap L foot behind R with R hand
5-8step L to L side , slap R infront of L with L hand, step fwd on R, slap L behind R with R hand
Sec 2: Back lock step kick, right coaster step step
1-4step back on Left, lock right infront of Left, step back on Left, kick Right foot fwd
5-8step back on Right, step Left beside Right, step fwd on Right step fwd on Left
Sec 3: Step pivot ¼ turn left cross hold, hinge ½ turn right cross hold
1-4step fwd on Right pivot ¼ turn Left, placing weight on Left, cross R over L hold (9 o clock)
5-8step back on Left ¼ turn Right, turn ¼ turn Right stepping R to R side, cross L over R hold (3 o clock)
Sec 4: stomp right left swivets right centre, stomp left right swivets left centre
1-4stomp R fwd stomp L fwd, swivet Right toes to Right and Left heel to Left, back to centre,
5-8stomp L fwd stomp R fwd, swivet Left toes to Left and Right heel to Right, back to centre( weight on L)
Sec 5: step back right kick left clap, step back left kick right clap, right coaster step hold
1-4Step back on right, kick left fwd and clap, step back on left kick right fwd and clap (clap hands as you kick)
5-8Step back on R step L beside R, step fwd on R hold
Sec 6: Step pivot ½ turn right step hold, full turn step hold (alt run fwd R L R)
1-4Step fwd on Left pivot ½ turn R placing weight on R, step fwd on L hold (9 o clock)
5-8Turn full triple turn Left on R L R ( or run fwd R L R) hold
Sec 7: Stomp fwd Left clap, stomp fwd Right clap, Left cross rock side hold
1-4Stomp fwd on Left clap, step fwd on Right clap
5-8Cross rock Left over Right, rec on Right, step Left to Left side hold
Sec 8: Hip bumps Right and Left
1-4Bump hips R L R hold
5-8Bump hips L R L hold ( weight on Left to start the dance again )
Contact: boogiesas@yahoo.co.uk
Sec 1: Vine right with heel slaps
1-4step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, slap L foot behind R with R hand
5-8step L to L side , slap R infront of L with L hand, step fwd on R, slap L behind R with R hand
Sec 2: Back lock step kick, right coaster step step
1-4step back on Left, lock right infront of Left, step back on Left, kick Right foot fwd
5-8step back on Right, step Left beside Right, step fwd on Right step fwd on Left
Sec 3: Step pivot ¼ turn left cross hold, hinge ½ turn right cross hold
1-4step fwd on Right pivot ¼ turn Left, placing weight on Left, cross R over L hold (9 o clock)
5-8step back on Left ¼ turn Right, turn ¼ turn Right stepping R to R side, cross L over R hold (3 o clock)
Sec 4: stomp right left swivets right centre, stomp left right swivets left centre
1-4stomp R fwd stomp L fwd, swivet Right toes to Right and Left heel to Left, back to centre,
5-8stomp L fwd stomp R fwd, swivet Left toes to Left and Right heel to Right, back to centre( weight on L)
Sec 5: step back right kick left clap, step back left kick right clap, right coaster step hold
1-4Step back on right, kick left fwd and clap, step back on left kick right fwd and clap (clap hands as you kick)
5-8Step back on R step L beside R, step fwd on R hold
Sec 6: Step pivot ½ turn right step hold, full turn step hold (alt run fwd R L R)
1-4Step fwd on Left pivot ½ turn R placing weight on R, step fwd on L hold (9 o clock)
5-8Turn full triple turn Left on R L R ( or run fwd R L R) hold
Sec 7: Stomp fwd Left clap, stomp fwd Right clap, Left cross rock side hold
1-4Stomp fwd on Left clap, step fwd on Right clap
5-8Cross rock Left over Right, rec on Right, step Left to Left side hold
Sec 8: Hip bumps Right and Left
1-4Bump hips R L R hold
5-8Bump hips L R L hold ( weight on Left to start the dance again )
Contact: boogiesas@yahoo.co.uk