Dance begins 32 counts into the music right before lyrics begin
Wizard, Wizard, Step Rock, Shuffle ½ turn Right
1-2&3-4&Step Right diagonally forward-lock left behind right & step right forward-step left diagonally forward-lock right behind left & step left forward
5-6-7&8Step rock forward onto right-recover back onto left-making ½ turn to right shuffle forward step right forward & step left next to right- step right foot forward
Step, Touch, Shuffle Back, Sailor ¼ Turn, Sways
1-2-3&4Step Left foot forward-touch right behind left-shuffle back stepping right back & step left next to right-step back onto right
5&6-7-8Swing left foot behind right making ¼ turn to left & step right beside left-step left next to right-sway onto right on right side-sway onto left on left side
Restart here on Third wall
Behind-Side-Cross, Modified Jazz Box
1&2-3-4Cross right behind left & step left to left side-cross right in front of left-rock left to left side-step back onto right to right side
5-6&7-8Cross left over right-step back onto right-step left to left side & cross right over left - step left next to right-recover
Cross Rock, Shuffle 1/4 turn right, 1/4 Turn Right, Cross Shuffle
1-2-3&4Cross rock right over left-return weight back onto left-step right to right side making ¼ turn right & step left next to right-step right foot forward
5-6-7&8Step left foot forward-turn ¼ right placing weight on right-cross left over right & step right behind left-cross step left over right (cross shuffle or cross ball cross)
Tag on 6th Wall add Sway onto Right and Left for two counts
Restart: on wall 3 after 16 counts
Tag: at the end of the 6th wall, add two sways right and left for two counts
Contact: ceferdjr@netscape.net
Last Revision - 19th April 2013
Wizard, Wizard, Step Rock, Shuffle ½ turn Right
1-2&3-4&Step Right diagonally forward-lock left behind right & step right forward-step left diagonally forward-lock right behind left & step left forward
5-6-7&8Step rock forward onto right-recover back onto left-making ½ turn to right shuffle forward step right forward & step left next to right- step right foot forward
Step, Touch, Shuffle Back, Sailor ¼ Turn, Sways
1-2-3&4Step Left foot forward-touch right behind left-shuffle back stepping right back & step left next to right-step back onto right
5&6-7-8Swing left foot behind right making ¼ turn to left & step right beside left-step left next to right-sway onto right on right side-sway onto left on left side
Restart here on Third wall
Behind-Side-Cross, Modified Jazz Box
1&2-3-4Cross right behind left & step left to left side-cross right in front of left-rock left to left side-step back onto right to right side
5-6&7-8Cross left over right-step back onto right-step left to left side & cross right over left - step left next to right-recover
Cross Rock, Shuffle 1/4 turn right, 1/4 Turn Right, Cross Shuffle
1-2-3&4Cross rock right over left-return weight back onto left-step right to right side making ¼ turn right & step left next to right-step right foot forward
5-6-7&8Step left foot forward-turn ¼ right placing weight on right-cross left over right & step right behind left-cross step left over right (cross shuffle or cross ball cross)
Tag on 6th Wall add Sway onto Right and Left for two counts
Restart: on wall 3 after 16 counts
Tag: at the end of the 6th wall, add two sways right and left for two counts
Contact: ceferdjr@netscape.net
Last Revision - 19th April 2013