Easy Intermediate
16 Beat Intro after Beat kicks in, When he sings (with you)
Behind, Replace, Side, Behind, Replace, Tog, Fwd, Replace, Tog, ¼ Turn Fwd, Replace, Tog.
1,2 & 3,4 &Step R behind L, replace on L, step R to side, Step L behind R, replace on R, step L tog
5,6 &7,8,&Rock fwd on R, replace on L, step R tog, turn ¼ L & step fwd on L, Replace on R, step L beside R
¼ Turn, Side Replace, Cross Shuffle, Tog, Rock, Replace, ¼ Turn Shuffle
1,2,3&4Step R forward, turn ¼ L, replace on L, cross shuffle, R,L,R, over L,
&5,6,7&8Step to side on L, rock step R over L, replace on L, Turn ¼ R, shuffle forward, R,L,R
Fwd, ¼ Turn, Replace, Cross, Back, ½ Turn, Step, Touch, Full Turn
1,2,3&4Step fwd on L & turn ¼ R, replace on R, cross L over R, Step back on R ¼ turn L, turn ¼ L, stepping L to side,
5,6,7,8Touch R beside L, make full turn R, stepping, R, L, R
Tog, Fwd, Fwd, Coaster fwd, Back, Back, L Sailor
&1,2,3&4Step tog. on L, step fwd on R, crossing slightly in front of L, Step fwd on L, crossing slightly in front of R, Step fwd on R, step L beside R, step R back
5,6,7&8Sweep L & step behind R, Sweep R & step behind L, Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to side
[32] Repeat to new wall
Dance ends at front wall after beat 24 (full turn R)
Contact: (mwarren34@bigpond.com.au) (sue.fisher3@bigpond.com)
Behind, Replace, Side, Behind, Replace, Tog, Fwd, Replace, Tog, ¼ Turn Fwd, Replace, Tog.
1,2 & 3,4 &Step R behind L, replace on L, step R to side, Step L behind R, replace on R, step L tog
5,6 &7,8,&Rock fwd on R, replace on L, step R tog, turn ¼ L & step fwd on L, Replace on R, step L beside R
¼ Turn, Side Replace, Cross Shuffle, Tog, Rock, Replace, ¼ Turn Shuffle
1,2,3&4Step R forward, turn ¼ L, replace on L, cross shuffle, R,L,R, over L,
&5,6,7&8Step to side on L, rock step R over L, replace on L, Turn ¼ R, shuffle forward, R,L,R
Fwd, ¼ Turn, Replace, Cross, Back, ½ Turn, Step, Touch, Full Turn
1,2,3&4Step fwd on L & turn ¼ R, replace on R, cross L over R, Step back on R ¼ turn L, turn ¼ L, stepping L to side,
5,6,7,8Touch R beside L, make full turn R, stepping, R, L, R
Tog, Fwd, Fwd, Coaster fwd, Back, Back, L Sailor
&1,2,3&4Step tog. on L, step fwd on R, crossing slightly in front of L, Step fwd on L, crossing slightly in front of R, Step fwd on R, step L beside R, step R back
5,6,7&8Sweep L & step behind R, Sweep R & step behind L, Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to side
[32] Repeat to new wall
Dance ends at front wall after beat 24 (full turn R)
Contact: (mwarren34@bigpond.com.au) (sue.fisher3@bigpond.com)