START after 16 counts (with Lyrics)
[1-8] Vine R, Vine L
1,2,3,4Step R to side, Step L behind, Step R to Side, touch L Heel Out (Clap Hands)
5,6,7,8Step L to side, Step R behind, Step L to Side, touch R Heel Out (Clap Hands)
[9-16] Jump Out x 2, Stomp R, Fan
&1,2,&3,4Jump Out R,L Hold (Clap) , Jump Out R,L Hold (Clap)
5,6,7,8Stomp R Foot Forward (with R Toe Slightly in), Fan Toe R, L, R****
[17-24] Quarter Pivots x 4
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, ¼ pivot, Step R fwd, ¼ pivot,
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, ¼ pivot, Step R fwd, ¼ pivot**
(Lasoo R arm above head whilst making quarter turns and add hips for styling)
[25-32] Rock Forward, Rock Back x 2
1, 2Step R fwd, Lift L foot behind R leg and slap L foot with R hand
3, 4Replace Back on L foot, Hitch R Leg and Slap R Thigh with L hand,
5, 6Step R fwd, Lift L foot behind R leg and slap L foot with R hand
7, 8Replace Back on L foot, Hitch R Leg whilst making ¼ Right and Slap R Thigh with L hand,
** Restart the dance after count 24 on Wall 9 (facing front)
****Optional Variation
On Walls 4, 7 & 10, to the words “Let’s rock this bar” replace counts 5,6,7,8 with the following
5,6,7,8Stomp R fwd 4 times whilst strumming “air guitar”
The dance finishes on the back wall to instrumental.
To end, dance up to count 6, then (for 7,8) Step L to L side making a half turn Stomp R beside L.
Contacts - Jessie: 0421 765 019 - Ryan: 0408 387 320 - Email: ryanandjessie@optusnet.com.au
[1-8] Vine R, Vine L
1,2,3,4Step R to side, Step L behind, Step R to Side, touch L Heel Out (Clap Hands)
5,6,7,8Step L to side, Step R behind, Step L to Side, touch R Heel Out (Clap Hands)
[9-16] Jump Out x 2, Stomp R, Fan
&1,2,&3,4Jump Out R,L Hold (Clap) , Jump Out R,L Hold (Clap)
5,6,7,8Stomp R Foot Forward (with R Toe Slightly in), Fan Toe R, L, R****
[17-24] Quarter Pivots x 4
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, ¼ pivot, Step R fwd, ¼ pivot,
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, ¼ pivot, Step R fwd, ¼ pivot**
(Lasoo R arm above head whilst making quarter turns and add hips for styling)
[25-32] Rock Forward, Rock Back x 2
1, 2Step R fwd, Lift L foot behind R leg and slap L foot with R hand
3, 4Replace Back on L foot, Hitch R Leg and Slap R Thigh with L hand,
5, 6Step R fwd, Lift L foot behind R leg and slap L foot with R hand
7, 8Replace Back on L foot, Hitch R Leg whilst making ¼ Right and Slap R Thigh with L hand,
** Restart the dance after count 24 on Wall 9 (facing front)
****Optional Variation
On Walls 4, 7 & 10, to the words “Let’s rock this bar” replace counts 5,6,7,8 with the following
5,6,7,8Stomp R fwd 4 times whilst strumming “air guitar”
The dance finishes on the back wall to instrumental.
To end, dance up to count 6, then (for 7,8) Step L to L side making a half turn Stomp R beside L.
Contacts - Jessie: 0421 765 019 - Ryan: 0408 387 320 - Email: ryanandjessie@optusnet.com.au