Intro: 16 from full beat—on ‘STARTS’ to sway—No tags, no restarts
[1-8] Right mambo, (sway with it), vine left
1-4Rock right to side, step left in place, step right next to left, hold
5-8Step left to side, right behind left, left to side, right across left
[9-16] Left scissor, (sway with it), vine
9-12Rock left to side, step right next to left, cross left over right, hold
13-16Step right to side, left behind right, right to side, left across right
[17-24] Cross rocks, right & left
17-20Bring right foot around left, and cross rock over right, recover to left, cross rock right over left, hold
21-24Bring left foot around right, cross rock over right, recover to right, cross left over right, hold
[25-32] Right mambo (sway with it), pivot ½, hold
25-28Rock right to side, step left in place, step right next to left, hold
29-32Step fwd on left, pivoting ½ right, recover to right, step left next to right, hold
[1-8] Right mambo, (sway with it), vine left
1-4Rock right to side, step left in place, step right next to left, hold
5-8Step left to side, right behind left, left to side, right across left
[9-16] Left scissor, (sway with it), vine
9-12Rock left to side, step right next to left, cross left over right, hold
13-16Step right to side, left behind right, right to side, left across right
[17-24] Cross rocks, right & left
17-20Bring right foot around left, and cross rock over right, recover to left, cross rock right over left, hold
21-24Bring left foot around right, cross rock over right, recover to right, cross left over right, hold
[25-32] Right mambo (sway with it), pivot ½, hold
25-28Rock right to side, step left in place, step right next to left, hold
29-32Step fwd on left, pivoting ½ right, recover to right, step left next to right, hold