Intro: 60 counts from the beginning, app. 27 sec. into track - dance begins with weight on L
Restart: There is 1 restart on wall 10 after 12 counts, you’ll be facing [3.00]
[1-6] 1/4, point, hold, 1/4, sweep
1-2-3(1) Step back on R, (2) turn 1/4 L stepping L to L, (3) point R to R [9.00]
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/4 R stepping down on R, (5-6) sweep L from back to front [12.00]
[7-12] Jazz box 1/2, R basic fwd.
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (3) turn 1/4 L stepping fwd. on L [6.00]
4-5-6(4) Step fwd. on R, (5) step L next to R, (6) change weight to R [6.00]
NOTE: Restart here, you’ll be facing 3.00, but do: (1) make 1/4 turn L, (2) point R to R, (3) HOLD
[13-18] Back, drag, step, 1/4
1-2-3(1) Step big step back on L, (2-3) drag R slowly towards L (but not all the way to L) [6.00]
4-5-6(4) Step fwd. on R, (5) step fwd. on L , (6) turn 1/4 R [9.00]
[19-24] Cross, side, back rock, 1/4, 3/8
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R to R, (3) rock back on L [9.00]
4-5-6(4) recover onto R, (5) turn 1/4 R stepping back on L, turn 3/8 R stepping fwd. on R [4.30]
[25-30] Step, kick, hitch, R basic back
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) low kick R fwd. (3) hitch R [4.30]
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) step L next to R, (6) change weight to R [4.30]
[31-36] Jazz box 1/8, cross, side, behind,
1-2-3(1) Cross L slightly over R, (2) turn 1/8 L stepping back on R, (3) step L to L [3.00]
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L to L, (6) cross R behind L [3.00]
[37-42] Side, drag, together, cross, 1/4
1-2-3(1) Step L big step L, (2-3) drag R towards L [3.00]
4-5-6(4) Step R next to L, (5) cross L over R, (6) turn 1/4 L stepping back on R [12.00]
[43-48] 1/4, back rock, diagonally fwd., behind, sweep
1-2-3(1) Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L, (2) rock back on R, (3) recover onto L [9.00]
4-5-6(4) Step diagonally fwd. on R, (5) cross L behind R, (6) sweep R from front to back [9.00]
Contact: lovelinedance@live.dk
Restart: There is 1 restart on wall 10 after 12 counts, you’ll be facing [3.00]
[1-6] 1/4, point, hold, 1/4, sweep
1-2-3(1) Step back on R, (2) turn 1/4 L stepping L to L, (3) point R to R [9.00]
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/4 R stepping down on R, (5-6) sweep L from back to front [12.00]
[7-12] Jazz box 1/2, R basic fwd.
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (3) turn 1/4 L stepping fwd. on L [6.00]
4-5-6(4) Step fwd. on R, (5) step L next to R, (6) change weight to R [6.00]
NOTE: Restart here, you’ll be facing 3.00, but do: (1) make 1/4 turn L, (2) point R to R, (3) HOLD
[13-18] Back, drag, step, 1/4
1-2-3(1) Step big step back on L, (2-3) drag R slowly towards L (but not all the way to L) [6.00]
4-5-6(4) Step fwd. on R, (5) step fwd. on L , (6) turn 1/4 R [9.00]
[19-24] Cross, side, back rock, 1/4, 3/8
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R to R, (3) rock back on L [9.00]
4-5-6(4) recover onto R, (5) turn 1/4 R stepping back on L, turn 3/8 R stepping fwd. on R [4.30]
[25-30] Step, kick, hitch, R basic back
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) low kick R fwd. (3) hitch R [4.30]
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) step L next to R, (6) change weight to R [4.30]
[31-36] Jazz box 1/8, cross, side, behind,
1-2-3(1) Cross L slightly over R, (2) turn 1/8 L stepping back on R, (3) step L to L [3.00]
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L to L, (6) cross R behind L [3.00]
[37-42] Side, drag, together, cross, 1/4
1-2-3(1) Step L big step L, (2-3) drag R towards L [3.00]
4-5-6(4) Step R next to L, (5) cross L over R, (6) turn 1/4 L stepping back on R [12.00]
[43-48] 1/4, back rock, diagonally fwd., behind, sweep
1-2-3(1) Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L, (2) rock back on R, (3) recover onto L [9.00]
4-5-6(4) Step diagonally fwd. on R, (5) cross L behind R, (6) sweep R from front to back [9.00]
Contact: lovelinedance@live.dk