Intro; 32 count
Modified Rhumba box
1-4Step right to right, Step Left next to right, Step right forward, hold
5-8Step left to left, Step right next to left, Step left forward, hold
Rock fwd, recover, rock back, hold, Coaster Step hold
1-4Rock right forward, recover on left, Rock right back, hold
5-8Step left back, step right back, step left forward
Vine to Right brush, Vine to left ¼ turn brush
1-4Step right to right, left cross behind right, step right to right, brush left
5-8Step left to left, right cross behind left, ¼ turn left step left fwd, brush right
1-4Touch right fwd, hold, swing right back, hold
5-8Swing left touch back, hold, Swing right step fwd.
Tag after wall 2 ( 06;00 )
1-4Slide right to right , hold, Slide left to left, hold
Contact: Website; www.meiskedance@yahoo.com
Modified Rhumba box
1-4Step right to right, Step Left next to right, Step right forward, hold
5-8Step left to left, Step right next to left, Step left forward, hold
Rock fwd, recover, rock back, hold, Coaster Step hold
1-4Rock right forward, recover on left, Rock right back, hold
5-8Step left back, step right back, step left forward
Vine to Right brush, Vine to left ¼ turn brush
1-4Step right to right, left cross behind right, step right to right, brush left
5-8Step left to left, right cross behind left, ¼ turn left step left fwd, brush right
1-4Touch right fwd, hold, swing right back, hold
5-8Swing left touch back, hold, Swing right step fwd.
Tag after wall 2 ( 06;00 )
1-4Slide right to right , hold, Slide left to left, hold
Contact: Website; www.meiskedance@yahoo.com