(In English: Song From Manado—Sailors Ballad) Interpreter: Gloria Mortimer from Singapore
24 count intro,
Across 1/4 Turn 1/2 Turn, &Fwd Step Pivot 1/4
1,2,3Step R across L, Making 1/4 right step back on L, Making 1/2 right step fwd on R
&4,5,6Step L beside R, Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R
Across 1/4 Turn 1/2 Turn, &Fwd Step Pivot 1/2
7,8,9Step L across R, Making 1/4 left step back on R, Making 1/2 left step fwd on L
&10,11,12Step R beside L, Step fwd on L, Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L,
&Fwd Back Back, &Fwd Back Back
&13,14,15Step R beside L, Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R, Step back on L
&16,17,18Step R beside L, Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R, Step back on L
&Fwd LRL Toe To Side Hold Toe In Out
&19,20,21Step R beside L, Walk fwd L,R,L
22,23Touch R toe to right side, Hold
&24Touch R toe beside L, Touch R toe to right side RESTART HERE ON WALL 4
Behind &Across Side, Behind 1/4 Rock Replace
25&26,27Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L, Step L to left
28,29,30Step R behind L, Making 1/4 left rock/step fwd on L, Rock/replace wt back on R
Back 1/2 Rock Replace &Step Fwd Step Pivot 1/2
31,32,33Step back on L, Making 1/2 right rock/step fwd on R, Rock/replace wt back on L
&34,35,36Step R beside L, Step fwd on L, Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L
1/2 Fwd 1/2 Shuffle 1/2 Fwd 1/2 Shuffle
37,38Step fwd on R while making 1/2 left, Step back on L
&39Making 1/2 left step R beside L, Step fwd on L
40,41Step fwd on R while making 1/2 left, Step back on L
&42Making 1/2 left step R beside L, Step fwd on L
Step Pivot 1/4 &Side Touch Across Unwind 3/4 1/4 Paddle
43,44Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
&45Step R beside L, Step L to left
46,47Touch R across L, Unwind 3/4 left transferring wt to L
&48Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
*RESTART on wall 4 after count 24
This lovely song by Tantowi Yahya was given to me by Ronnie Wee from Singapore.
Thanks also to Gloria Mortimer from Singapore for her interpretation of the songs name.
It’s a slow, feeling song and that combination always appeals to me . Hope YOU like it too.
I find it is definitely more challenging to dance slowly than it is to dance fast because
you just can’t fudge any of the steps. Also, balance and timing is much more critical.
Enjoy the dance! See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact: Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/
24 count intro,
Across 1/4 Turn 1/2 Turn, &Fwd Step Pivot 1/4
1,2,3Step R across L, Making 1/4 right step back on L, Making 1/2 right step fwd on R
&4,5,6Step L beside R, Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R
Across 1/4 Turn 1/2 Turn, &Fwd Step Pivot 1/2
7,8,9Step L across R, Making 1/4 left step back on R, Making 1/2 left step fwd on L
&10,11,12Step R beside L, Step fwd on L, Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L,
&Fwd Back Back, &Fwd Back Back
&13,14,15Step R beside L, Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R, Step back on L
&16,17,18Step R beside L, Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R, Step back on L
&Fwd LRL Toe To Side Hold Toe In Out
&19,20,21Step R beside L, Walk fwd L,R,L
22,23Touch R toe to right side, Hold
&24Touch R toe beside L, Touch R toe to right side RESTART HERE ON WALL 4
Behind &Across Side, Behind 1/4 Rock Replace
25&26,27Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L, Step L to left
28,29,30Step R behind L, Making 1/4 left rock/step fwd on L, Rock/replace wt back on R
Back 1/2 Rock Replace &Step Fwd Step Pivot 1/2
31,32,33Step back on L, Making 1/2 right rock/step fwd on R, Rock/replace wt back on L
&34,35,36Step R beside L, Step fwd on L, Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L
1/2 Fwd 1/2 Shuffle 1/2 Fwd 1/2 Shuffle
37,38Step fwd on R while making 1/2 left, Step back on L
&39Making 1/2 left step R beside L, Step fwd on L
40,41Step fwd on R while making 1/2 left, Step back on L
&42Making 1/2 left step R beside L, Step fwd on L
Step Pivot 1/4 &Side Touch Across Unwind 3/4 1/4 Paddle
43,44Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
&45Step R beside L, Step L to left
46,47Touch R across L, Unwind 3/4 left transferring wt to L
&48Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
*RESTART on wall 4 after count 24
This lovely song by Tantowi Yahya was given to me by Ronnie Wee from Singapore.
Thanks also to Gloria Mortimer from Singapore for her interpretation of the songs name.
It’s a slow, feeling song and that combination always appeals to me . Hope YOU like it too.
I find it is definitely more challenging to dance slowly than it is to dance fast because
you just can’t fudge any of the steps. Also, balance and timing is much more critical.
Enjoy the dance! See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact: Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/