Section 1: Forward Lock Step, Locking Chasse, Forward Rock, Back Chasse
1-2(Styling: lift R arm up on fwd lock & chasse steps) Step R forward, cross L behind right
3&4Step R forward, cross L behind right, step R forward
5-6Rock L foot forward, recover (weight to right)
7&8Step L back, step R to instep of left, step L back
Section 2: Right Cross Rock, Chasse, Left Cross Rock, Chasse
(Styling: elegantly stretch both arms out to right & left of body on rocks)
1-2Cross Rock R behind left, recover (weight to left)
3&4Step R to right side, step L together, step R to right side
5-6Cross Rock L behind right, recover (weight to right)
7&8Step L to left side, step R together, step L to left side
Section 3: Right Scissors, Hold, Left Scissors, Hold
1-2Step R to right side, step L next to right
3-4Cross R over left, hold
5-6Step L to left side, step R next to left
7-8Cross L over right, hold
Section 4: Side, Sweep, Behind, Sweep, Back Rock, Together, Hold
1-2Step R to right side, sweep L up from front L diagonal to back
3-4Turn ¼ left & cross L behind right, sweep R up from front R diag. to back (9:00)
5-6Rock back on R, recover (weight to left)
7-8Step R next to left, hold
Section 5: Side Rock x 2, Behind, Side, Crossing Chasse
(styling: elegantly sway arms (approx. waist level)& exaggerate hip motions as you rock)
1-2L Side Rock (small step to left), recover to right (weight to right)
3-4Repeat 1-2
5-6Cross L behind right, step R to right
7&8Cross L over front of right, step R to side, cross L over front of right
Section 6: Side Rock x 2, Behind, Side, Crossing Chasse
(styling: sway arms (approx. waist level)& exaggerate hip movements as you rock)
1-2R Side Rock (small step to right), recover to left (weight to left)
3-4Repeat 1-2
5-6Cross R behind left, step L to left
7&8Cross R over front of left, step L to side, cross R over front of left
Section 7: Left Forward Rumba Box, Sweep
1-2Step L to left side, step R next to left
3-4Step L forward, hold (slowly drag R towards L, keep weight on L)
5-6Step R to right side, step L next to right
7-8Step R back, sweep L up from front L diag. towards back in semi-circle
Section 8: Slow Sailor Turn, Hold, Pivot, Pivot
1-2Turn ¼ left & cross L behind right, step R to side (6:00)
3-4Step L next to right, hold
5-6Step forward on R, turn ½ left (transfer weight to left) (12:00)
7-8Step forward on R, turn ¼ left (transfer weight to left) (9:00)
Ending: at end of lyrics during music fade out, stand on the spot gently swaying side to side, slowly raise arms crossing them across body as if you are giving yourself a cuddle ah!
Special thanks to Chayanne for such heavenly ballads for our ears & hearts.
Dedicated to my very own Heavenly Angel loved ones. Amorcito Corazons
Contact: thekimbodukers@hotmail.co.uk
Copyright Kim Nolan - England, UK
1-2(Styling: lift R arm up on fwd lock & chasse steps) Step R forward, cross L behind right
3&4Step R forward, cross L behind right, step R forward
5-6Rock L foot forward, recover (weight to right)
7&8Step L back, step R to instep of left, step L back
Section 2: Right Cross Rock, Chasse, Left Cross Rock, Chasse
(Styling: elegantly stretch both arms out to right & left of body on rocks)
1-2Cross Rock R behind left, recover (weight to left)
3&4Step R to right side, step L together, step R to right side
5-6Cross Rock L behind right, recover (weight to right)
7&8Step L to left side, step R together, step L to left side
Section 3: Right Scissors, Hold, Left Scissors, Hold
1-2Step R to right side, step L next to right
3-4Cross R over left, hold
5-6Step L to left side, step R next to left
7-8Cross L over right, hold
Section 4: Side, Sweep, Behind, Sweep, Back Rock, Together, Hold
1-2Step R to right side, sweep L up from front L diagonal to back
3-4Turn ¼ left & cross L behind right, sweep R up from front R diag. to back (9:00)
5-6Rock back on R, recover (weight to left)
7-8Step R next to left, hold
Section 5: Side Rock x 2, Behind, Side, Crossing Chasse
(styling: elegantly sway arms (approx. waist level)& exaggerate hip motions as you rock)
1-2L Side Rock (small step to left), recover to right (weight to right)
3-4Repeat 1-2
5-6Cross L behind right, step R to right
7&8Cross L over front of right, step R to side, cross L over front of right
Section 6: Side Rock x 2, Behind, Side, Crossing Chasse
(styling: sway arms (approx. waist level)& exaggerate hip movements as you rock)
1-2R Side Rock (small step to right), recover to left (weight to left)
3-4Repeat 1-2
5-6Cross R behind left, step L to left
7&8Cross R over front of left, step L to side, cross R over front of left
Section 7: Left Forward Rumba Box, Sweep
1-2Step L to left side, step R next to left
3-4Step L forward, hold (slowly drag R towards L, keep weight on L)
5-6Step R to right side, step L next to right
7-8Step R back, sweep L up from front L diag. towards back in semi-circle
Section 8: Slow Sailor Turn, Hold, Pivot, Pivot
1-2Turn ¼ left & cross L behind right, step R to side (6:00)
3-4Step L next to right, hold
5-6Step forward on R, turn ½ left (transfer weight to left) (12:00)
7-8Step forward on R, turn ¼ left (transfer weight to left) (9:00)
Ending: at end of lyrics during music fade out, stand on the spot gently swaying side to side, slowly raise arms crossing them across body as if you are giving yourself a cuddle ah!
Special thanks to Chayanne for such heavenly ballads for our ears & hearts.
Dedicated to my very own Heavenly Angel loved ones. Amorcito Corazons
Contact: thekimbodukers@hotmail.co.uk
Copyright Kim Nolan - England, UK