Intro: Start on vocals
S1: Step Side Rock Back, Recover, ¼ R, ¼ R, ¼ Side Shuffle R, Rock forward, Recover
1&2Step right to right Side, Rock back on to the left, Rock forward on to the right
3-4¼ Right stepping back on the left, ¼ Right stepping right to right side
5-6Close left next to right, Make ¼ turn to the right stepping on to the right
7-8Rock forward on the left, Rock back on to the right
S2: ½ Shuffle Turn, ¼ Turn, Jazz Box, Step forward, Rock forward, Recover
1&2½ Turn left shuffle stepping left right left
3-4Step forward on the right making ¼ turn left
5&6Cross right over left, Step back on to the left, step right to right side
7Step forward on to the left
8&Rock forward on the right, rock back on to the left
S3: ¼ Side Shuffle R, Point, flick, Big Step L, Drag R, Touch, Hold
1&2Step right to right side, Close left next to right, Make ¼ turn to the right stepping on to the right
3-4point your left toe in front right, point left toe to left side
5then flick behind your right
6&7Take a big step to the left, Drag the right next to the left, then touch right next to left
S4: Grapevine R, Grapevine L, Skate R, Skate L
1&2Step right to right side, Step left behind the right, Step right to right side
3Touch left toe next to right
4&5Step left to left side, step right behind the left, Step left to left side
6Touch right toe next to left
7-8Skate right forward, Skate left forward
Restart / Tag:-
Restart on wall 3 after skate right skate left
Tag: 16 counts - End of wall 5, after skate right and skate left.
1-2Rock forward on to the right, Rock back on to the left
3-4Rock back on to the right, Rock forward on to the left
5&6Step forward on your right 1/2 left, Step right to right side
7&8Bump hips right, left hold:
1-2Rock forward on to the right, rock back on to the left
3-4Rock back on to the right, Rock forward on to the left
5&6Step forward on the right 1/2 left, Step right to right side
7&8Bump hips right, left Hold:
S1: Step Side Rock Back, Recover, ¼ R, ¼ R, ¼ Side Shuffle R, Rock forward, Recover
1&2Step right to right Side, Rock back on to the left, Rock forward on to the right
3-4¼ Right stepping back on the left, ¼ Right stepping right to right side
5-6Close left next to right, Make ¼ turn to the right stepping on to the right
7-8Rock forward on the left, Rock back on to the right
S2: ½ Shuffle Turn, ¼ Turn, Jazz Box, Step forward, Rock forward, Recover
1&2½ Turn left shuffle stepping left right left
3-4Step forward on the right making ¼ turn left
5&6Cross right over left, Step back on to the left, step right to right side
7Step forward on to the left
8&Rock forward on the right, rock back on to the left
S3: ¼ Side Shuffle R, Point, flick, Big Step L, Drag R, Touch, Hold
1&2Step right to right side, Close left next to right, Make ¼ turn to the right stepping on to the right
3-4point your left toe in front right, point left toe to left side
5then flick behind your right
6&7Take a big step to the left, Drag the right next to the left, then touch right next to left
S4: Grapevine R, Grapevine L, Skate R, Skate L
1&2Step right to right side, Step left behind the right, Step right to right side
3Touch left toe next to right
4&5Step left to left side, step right behind the left, Step left to left side
6Touch right toe next to left
7-8Skate right forward, Skate left forward
Restart / Tag:-
Restart on wall 3 after skate right skate left
Tag: 16 counts - End of wall 5, after skate right and skate left.
1-2Rock forward on to the right, Rock back on to the left
3-4Rock back on to the right, Rock forward on to the left
5&6Step forward on your right 1/2 left, Step right to right side
7&8Bump hips right, left hold:
1-2Rock forward on to the right, rock back on to the left
3-4Rock back on to the right, Rock forward on to the left
5&6Step forward on the right 1/2 left, Step right to right side
7&8Bump hips right, left Hold: