CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Memory of Your Smile

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Qin Jian Wei (CN) - March 2012
Chrysanthemum Flower Bed (菊花台) - Jay Chou (周杰倫)
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Intro: 40 counts ( 35 Sec )

(S1) Forward L ,Forward R, ½ Pivot L x2, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock Recover, ½ Turn L, Touch R
1-2&Step forward on left, step forward on right, ½ pivot left, step forward on left
3&4Step forward on right, ½ pivot left, recover on right
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
7&8Rock right to right side, recover on left, ½ turn left, touch right to right side

(S2) Cross Side Behind With Sweep, Behind side Cross, ¾ Turn L, Forward Mambo
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left with sweeping left from front to back
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5&6¼ turn left stepping right back, ½ turn left stepping left forward,
7&8Rock forward on left, recover on right, step back on left

(S3) Diagonal Forward R, ½ Turn R, ¼ Turn Back, Back, Touch, Sweep L-R, Flick, ½ Turn L
1&2Sept right forward diagonal, step left beside right, ½ turn right, step right to right side
3&4 &Step left forward diagonal, ¼ turn step right back, step left back, right cross over left, touch
5-6Step right forward, sweep left from back to front, step L forward, sweep right from back to front
7&8&Right cross over left, touch, flick right to right side, right cross over left, touch, ½ turn left, recover on right

(S4) Nightclub 2-Step L & R, Sway L, Sway R, Sway L, Recover R
1-2&Step left to left, Rock right behind left, recover onto left
3-4&Step right to right, Rock left behind right, recover onto right
5-6Step left to left, sway to left, sway to right,
7-8&Sway to left, recover onto right

Tag 1: After wall 2, 6, 7, add the following 4 count tag
&1-2Step right to right, left cross behind right, touch, slightly bend both knees, right arm straight forward diagonally with palm facing up
3&4&Walk around one circle, turning left and walk forward left, right, left, right

Tag 2: On wall 8, dance up to count 24, add 2 count tag
&1-2Step right to right, left cross behind right touch, slightly bend both knees, raise right arm straight forward diagonally with palm facing up

Ending: On wall 9, walk around on circle, L-R-L, ending pose
1-2Walk around on circle, turning right and walk left, right, left
3-4Cross right behind left, touch, slightly bend both knees, raise right arm straight forward diagonally with palm facing down

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