Intro: Start dancing on the lyrics, 32 count
Step forward 3x, rock step, backward shuffle, rock step
1-2-3-4Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, recover weight on left
5&6Step backward right, slide left beside right, step backward right
7-8Step back left, recover weight on the right
Left wine, touch, step, right wine full turn right, touch
1-2Step left on left side, cross right behind left
3-4Step left on left side, touch right toes beside left foot
5-6Step on right side with right foot start ¼ turn right , step forward left with ½ turn right 7-8 Step right on right side with ½ right, touch left toes beside right
Kick-step, point, rock-step, kick-step, point, rock step
1&2Kick forward left foot, step left beside right, point right toes on right side
3-4Step right backward , recover weight on left foot
5&6Kick forward right foot, step right beside left, point left toes on left side
7-8Step backward right foot, recover weight on right foot
Step left, cross step, shuffle ¼ turn left, jazz box
1-2Step left on left side, cross right behind left
3&4Step left on side with ¼ turn left, slide right beside left, step left forward
5-6Cross right foot in front of left, step backward with left foot
7-8Step right side with right foot, step left foot beside ride foot
Step forward 3x, rock step, backward shuffle, rock step
1-2-3-4Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, recover weight on left
5&6Step backward right, slide left beside right, step backward right
7-8Step back left, recover weight on the right
Left wine, touch, step, right wine full turn right, touch
1-2Step left on left side, cross right behind left
3-4Step left on left side, touch right toes beside left foot
5-6Step on right side with right foot start ¼ turn right , step forward left with ½ turn right 7-8 Step right on right side with ½ right, touch left toes beside right
Kick-step, point, rock-step, kick-step, point, rock step
1&2Kick forward left foot, step left beside right, point right toes on right side
3-4Step right backward , recover weight on left foot
5&6Kick forward right foot, step right beside left, point left toes on left side
7-8Step backward right foot, recover weight on right foot
Step left, cross step, shuffle ¼ turn left, jazz box
1-2Step left on left side, cross right behind left
3&4Step left on side with ¼ turn left, slide right beside left, step left forward
5-6Cross right foot in front of left, step backward with left foot
7-8Step right side with right foot, step left foot beside ride foot