(1x8) Circle Weave (Weave & Sweep twice)
1-4Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right front to back
5-8Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, sweep left back to front
(2x8) Forward, Kick, Back, hold, Coaster, touch (or hold)
1-4Step left forward, kick right, step back with right farther back than left), hold
5-8Step back with left, recover on right, step forward with left, touch the right next to the left
(3x8) Circle Weave (Weave & Sweep twice)
1-4Cross right over left, step left to left, step right behind left, sweep left front to back
5-8Cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right, sweep right back to front
(4x8) Forward, Kick, Back, hold, Coaster, touch (or hold)
1-4Step right forward, kick left, step back with left farther back than right), hold
5-8Step back with right, recover on left, step forward with right, touch the left next to the right
Contact: BreslauerDanceSF@yahoo.com
1-4Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right front to back
5-8Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, sweep left back to front
(2x8) Forward, Kick, Back, hold, Coaster, touch (or hold)
1-4Step left forward, kick right, step back with right farther back than left), hold
5-8Step back with left, recover on right, step forward with left, touch the right next to the left
(3x8) Circle Weave (Weave & Sweep twice)
1-4Cross right over left, step left to left, step right behind left, sweep left front to back
5-8Cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right, sweep right back to front
(4x8) Forward, Kick, Back, hold, Coaster, touch (or hold)
1-4Step right forward, kick left, step back with left farther back than right), hold
5-8Step back with right, recover on left, step forward with right, touch the left next to the right
Contact: BreslauerDanceSF@yahoo.com