Intro: 32 counts (start just before vocals)
[1-8] Cross rock side(R&L), Step, lift heel, kick, Walk Back R L
1-2&Cross rock right over left(1), recover weight onto left(2), step right to right(&)
3-4&Cross rock left over right(3), recover weight onto right(4), step left to left(&)
5&6Step right to right(5), lift right heel(&), shifting weight to the left, kick right into the right diagonal 1.30(6)
7-8Facing right diagonal(1.30) walk right back(7), walk left back(8)
[9-16] Coaster Step, Walk Walk, Turn Body Roll, Hip bumps
1&2Facing 1.30, step right back(1), step left beside R(&), step right forward(2)
3-4Walk forward left(3), right(4)
5-6Turning 1/8 right to face 3.00, step left to left(5), do a body roll left(6)
7&8Bump hips right(7), left(&), right(8) weight ending on right
[17-24] Sailor step with ¼ turn, Touch full unwind, Side rock cross, ¼ turn
1&2Step left behind right(1), turning ¼ left, step right slightly to the right (&), step left to left(2)
3-4Touch right behind left(3), unwind a full turn right(4) (12.00)
5&6Rock left to left(5), recover weight onto right(&), cross left over right(6)
7-8Step right to right(7), twist ¼ left, bending knees a little and punching right hand down(8), weight ending on the left (9.00)
[25-32] Jump out out, Shoulder pops, Ball cross, Side rock, Behind side cross side
&1-2Jump right to right side, (&) left to left side(1) with feet shoulder width apart, Pop shoulder right(2)
3&4Pop shoulder left(3), step onto ball of right beside left(&), cross left over right(4)
5-6Rock right to right(5), recover weight onto left (6)
7&8&Cross right behind left(7) step left to left (&), Cross right over left(8), step left to left(&)
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Contacts :-
Philip – sphilipg@hotmail.com website: www.sphilipg.webs.com
Ruben – rsluna2@aol.com website: n2linedance.net
[1-8] Cross rock side(R&L), Step, lift heel, kick, Walk Back R L
1-2&Cross rock right over left(1), recover weight onto left(2), step right to right(&)
3-4&Cross rock left over right(3), recover weight onto right(4), step left to left(&)
5&6Step right to right(5), lift right heel(&), shifting weight to the left, kick right into the right diagonal 1.30(6)
7-8Facing right diagonal(1.30) walk right back(7), walk left back(8)
[9-16] Coaster Step, Walk Walk, Turn Body Roll, Hip bumps
1&2Facing 1.30, step right back(1), step left beside R(&), step right forward(2)
3-4Walk forward left(3), right(4)
5-6Turning 1/8 right to face 3.00, step left to left(5), do a body roll left(6)
7&8Bump hips right(7), left(&), right(8) weight ending on right
[17-24] Sailor step with ¼ turn, Touch full unwind, Side rock cross, ¼ turn
1&2Step left behind right(1), turning ¼ left, step right slightly to the right (&), step left to left(2)
3-4Touch right behind left(3), unwind a full turn right(4) (12.00)
5&6Rock left to left(5), recover weight onto right(&), cross left over right(6)
7-8Step right to right(7), twist ¼ left, bending knees a little and punching right hand down(8), weight ending on the left (9.00)
[25-32] Jump out out, Shoulder pops, Ball cross, Side rock, Behind side cross side
&1-2Jump right to right side, (&) left to left side(1) with feet shoulder width apart, Pop shoulder right(2)
3&4Pop shoulder left(3), step onto ball of right beside left(&), cross left over right(4)
5-6Rock right to right(5), recover weight onto left (6)
7&8&Cross right behind left(7) step left to left (&), Cross right over left(8), step left to left(&)
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Contacts :-
Philip – sphilipg@hotmail.com website: www.sphilipg.webs.com
Ruben – rsluna2@aol.com website: n2linedance.net