Improver 2S
Intro : 16 count
[1-8] Swivet x 2, Toe Strut Side, Toe Strut Cross Forward
1-2Right swivet (Twist on ball of left foot and heel of right at same time and return)
3-4Left swivet (Twist on ball of right foot and heel of left at same time and return)
5-6Touch right toe side, Drop right heel
7-8Step left toe across right, Drop left heel
[9-16] Scissor Step, Grapevine ¼ Turn Left, Hold
1-2Step right to right side, Slide left beside right
3-4Cross right in front of left, Hold
5-6Step left to left side, Cross right behind left
7-8Turn ¼ left and step left forward, Hold 9 :00
[17-24] Military Pivot, ¼ Turn Right, Hold, Weave, Hold
1-2Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left 3 :00
3-4Turn ¼ left and step right side, Hold 12 :00
5-6Cross left behind right, Step right to right side
7-8Cross left in front of right, Hold
[25-32] Monterey Turn ¼ Turn Right, Military Pivot, Stomp down, Hold
1-2Touch right toe to right side, Turn ¼ right stepping right beside left 3 :00
3-4Touch left toe to left side, Step left beside right
5-6Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left 9 :00
7-8Stomp right beside left, Hold
TAG: At end of wall 12, facing 12 :00
½ Turn Right, Hold + Clap, ½ Turn Right, Hold + Clap, Rockin Chair, Monterey Turn ½ Left
1-2Step left back ½ turn right, Hold + Clap 6 :00
3-4Step right forward ½ turn right, Hold + clap 12 :00
5-6Rock left forward, recover to right
7-8Rock left back, recover to right
1-2Touch left toe to left side, Turn ½ left stepping left beside right 6 :00
3-4Touch right toe to right side, Step right beside left
Repeat !!
[1-8] Swivet x 2, Toe Strut Side, Toe Strut Cross Forward
1-2Right swivet (Twist on ball of left foot and heel of right at same time and return)
3-4Left swivet (Twist on ball of right foot and heel of left at same time and return)
5-6Touch right toe side, Drop right heel
7-8Step left toe across right, Drop left heel
[9-16] Scissor Step, Grapevine ¼ Turn Left, Hold
1-2Step right to right side, Slide left beside right
3-4Cross right in front of left, Hold
5-6Step left to left side, Cross right behind left
7-8Turn ¼ left and step left forward, Hold 9 :00
[17-24] Military Pivot, ¼ Turn Right, Hold, Weave, Hold
1-2Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left 3 :00
3-4Turn ¼ left and step right side, Hold 12 :00
5-6Cross left behind right, Step right to right side
7-8Cross left in front of right, Hold
[25-32] Monterey Turn ¼ Turn Right, Military Pivot, Stomp down, Hold
1-2Touch right toe to right side, Turn ¼ right stepping right beside left 3 :00
3-4Touch left toe to left side, Step left beside right
5-6Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left 9 :00
7-8Stomp right beside left, Hold
TAG: At end of wall 12, facing 12 :00
½ Turn Right, Hold + Clap, ½ Turn Right, Hold + Clap, Rockin Chair, Monterey Turn ½ Left
1-2Step left back ½ turn right, Hold + Clap 6 :00
3-4Step right forward ½ turn right, Hold + clap 12 :00
5-6Rock left forward, recover to right
7-8Rock left back, recover to right
1-2Touch left toe to left side, Turn ½ left stepping left beside right 6 :00
3-4Touch right toe to right side, Step right beside left
Repeat !!