CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bruno's Marriage

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Easy Intermediate
Bruno - December 2011
Marry You - Bruno Mars
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Intro: 32 counts (2 – 4 wall dance)

Side rock, behind, side, cross, swivel, swivel, coaster step
01-02rock right to the right, recover on left
03&04step right behind left, step left to the side, cross right over left
05-06swivel both feet ¼ turn left, swivel both feet ¼ turn right
07&08step right behind, step left next to right, step forward on right

Point, ¼ turn left, shuffle, point, ¼ turn left, shuffle
01-02point left aside, ¼ turn step forward on left
03&04shuffle forward (r-l-r)
05-06point left aside, ¼ turn step forward on left
07&08shuffle forward (r-l-r)

Rock step, walk backward 2x, ¼ turn left walk forward 2x, rock step
01-02rock forward on left, recover on right
03-04step back on left, step back on right
05-06¼ turn left & step forward on left, step forward on right
07-08rock forward on left, recover on right

Toe strut 2x, out, out, knee pops
01-02toe strut backward on left
03-04toe strut backward on right
05-06step slightly diagonal back on left, step slightly daigonal back on right
07-08pop left knee in, recover weight to the letf and pop right knee in
***Restart during the 3rd and 6th walls.

Vine right, rolling vine left
01-02step right to the right, step left behind right
03-04step right to the right, touch left next to right
05-06¼ turn left step forward on left, ¼ turn left step right aside
07-08½ turn left step left aside, touch right next to left

Out, out, in, in, pivot turn, rock step
01-02step out on right, step out on left
03-04step in on right, step in on left
05-06step forward on right, ½ turn left
07-08rock forward on right, recover on left

Slow coaster step, hitch, rocking chair
01-02Step back on right, step left next to right
03-04step forward on right, hitch left knee
05-06rock forward on left, recover on right
07-08rock back on left, recover on right

Military turn, cross, side, cross, ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left, touch
01-02step forward on left, ¼ turn right
03-04cross left over right, step right aside
05-06cross left over right, ¼ turn lef tand step back on right
07-08¼ turn left and step left aside, touch right next to left

***Restart: in the 3rd and 6th walls
Due to the restarts it becomes a 4-wall line dance


Last Revision - 21st December 2011

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