Beginner / Improver
This is a 4 wall, 32 count dance with two tags.
Begin with weight on left foot, after 32 counts on vocals.
[1-8] Out out, clap, stomp, stomp, kick ball change x2
&1Jump onto right, left
2, 3, 4Hold and clap, stomp right foot twice
5&6, 7&8Right foot kick ball change twice
[9-16] Shuffle right, rock back, recover, shuffle left, rock, recover
1&2Shuffle to the right stepping right, left, right
3, 4Rock back onto left foot, recover weight on right
5&6Shuffle to the left stepping left, right, left
7, 8Rock back onto right foot, recover weight on left
[17-24] Pivot, shuffle, pivot, shuffle
1, 2Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left foot
3&4Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5, 6Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to right foot
7&8Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
[25-32] Step, clap, pivot, clap, walk forward (**)
1, 2Step forward on right foot, hold and clap
3, 4Pivot ¼ turn left transferring weight to left foot, hold and clap
5, 6, 7, 8Walk forward right, left, right, left
[32] Repeat dance facing new wall
TAGS: After walls 6 and 12 - Repeat the last 8 counts. (**)
Contact: chris.mann@velocitynet.com.au - Chris Mann: http://linedancereviews.wordpress.com
Begin with weight on left foot, after 32 counts on vocals.
[1-8] Out out, clap, stomp, stomp, kick ball change x2
&1Jump onto right, left
2, 3, 4Hold and clap, stomp right foot twice
5&6, 7&8Right foot kick ball change twice
[9-16] Shuffle right, rock back, recover, shuffle left, rock, recover
1&2Shuffle to the right stepping right, left, right
3, 4Rock back onto left foot, recover weight on right
5&6Shuffle to the left stepping left, right, left
7, 8Rock back onto right foot, recover weight on left
[17-24] Pivot, shuffle, pivot, shuffle
1, 2Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left foot
3&4Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5, 6Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to right foot
7&8Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
[25-32] Step, clap, pivot, clap, walk forward (**)
1, 2Step forward on right foot, hold and clap
3, 4Pivot ¼ turn left transferring weight to left foot, hold and clap
5, 6, 7, 8Walk forward right, left, right, left
[32] Repeat dance facing new wall
TAGS: After walls 6 and 12 - Repeat the last 8 counts. (**)
Contact: chris.mann@velocitynet.com.au - Chris Mann: http://linedancereviews.wordpress.com