Beginner / Novice
Intro 4x8 count from song begins.
Modified jazz box, jazz box ½ R
1-2Cross step right over left, step back on left
&3-4Step R next to L , cross step left over right, touch right toe to right side 12 o’clock
5-6Cross step R over l step back on L
7-8step R 1/2 R step L next to R 6.oclock
Point R point L bounce R hell x2 point L point R bounce L hell x2
1Point R toe diagonal back 17.30 o’clock.
&step r next to L .
2point Diagonal back to 18.30 o’clock.
3-4step Next to R. point R diagonal back bounce R hell in floor 2 x. 1730
5&6&7-8Repeat 1-4 whit L Food.
Kick ball point. R kick ball point. Step ½ r shuffle l forward
1&2L Kick left forward on ball left and point R to R side 6.Oclock
3&4Repeat 1&2 on R foot 12.oclock
5-6Step L forward make ½ turn R. 12 o’clock
7&8Step forward L step R next to L, step L forward. 12 o’clock
Cross rock R and L. R Coaster step. L mambo ½ Turn L
1&2Cross rock R over L. replace on L.food, step R next to L. 12 o’clock
3&4Cross rock L over R. replace on R. food. step l next to R. 12 o’clock
5&6Step back on R, step L beside R, step forward on R
7&8Rock forward L, step back R , ½ turn L step L forward.6 o’clock
Modified jazz box, jazz box ½ R
1-2Cross step right over left, step back on left
&3-4Step R next to L , cross step left over right, touch right toe to right side 12 o’clock
5-6Cross step R over l step back on L
7-8step R 1/2 R step L next to R 6.oclock
Point R point L bounce R hell x2 point L point R bounce L hell x2
1Point R toe diagonal back 17.30 o’clock.
&step r next to L .
2point Diagonal back to 18.30 o’clock.
3-4step Next to R. point R diagonal back bounce R hell in floor 2 x. 1730
5&6&7-8Repeat 1-4 whit L Food.
Kick ball point. R kick ball point. Step ½ r shuffle l forward
1&2L Kick left forward on ball left and point R to R side 6.Oclock
3&4Repeat 1&2 on R foot 12.oclock
5-6Step L forward make ½ turn R. 12 o’clock
7&8Step forward L step R next to L, step L forward. 12 o’clock
Cross rock R and L. R Coaster step. L mambo ½ Turn L
1&2Cross rock R over L. replace on L.food, step R next to L. 12 o’clock
3&4Cross rock L over R. replace on R. food. step l next to R. 12 o’clock
5&6Step back on R, step L beside R, step forward on R
7&8Rock forward L, step back R , ½ turn L step L forward.6 o’clock