Vine Right, Vine Left
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, touch left to right
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
6-8Step left to left side, touch right to left
Walk back touch, left lock step
1-4Walk back right, left, right, touch left
5-6Step forward left, lock right foot behind left
7-8Step forward left, touch right foot next to left
Coaster right, scuff hitch touch, shuffle left, paddle turn
1&2Step back right, step back left, step with weight forward right
3&4scuff left, hitch left, touch left foot down (do not put weight down)
5&6Shuffle forward left, right, left
7-8Step forward right, turn ¼ left putting weight on left foot
Double Right Heel, Double Left Toe, Point right side-left side, turn left heel, touch right
1-2Tap right heel forward twice
&3-4Switch weight to right, Tap left toe back twice
5Point left toe to left side
&6Switch weight to left foot, Point right toe to right side
&7Switch weight to right foot turning ¼ left heel with left foot
&8Switch weight to left foot touch right (keep weight on left foot)
Two Tags
After 7th wall facing the back & after 8th wall facing front
(you will hear it coming, do full 32 counts during instrumental break – tag – full 32 counts again – tag)
&1-2Jump forward right-left, clap
&3-4Jump back right-left, clap
Contact: mckinneyjena@yahoo.com