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Red Solo Cup

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Jena McKinney (USA) - November 2011
Red Solo Cup - Toby Keith
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Right Lock Step, Scuff - Left Lock Step, Scuff
1-3Step forward right diagonal, Step(Lock) left behind right, Step forward right diagonal
4Scuff left foot next to right
5-7Step forward left diagonal, Step (Lock) right behind left, Step forward left diagonal
8Scuff right next to left

Right Jazz box, touch - Left Vine, touch
1-3Cross right Over left, Step back on left, step out to right on right
4Touch right next to left
5-8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right next to left

Alternating right/left heels with 1/2 turn right, Right heel, toe, heel, step
1With weight on the ball of the left foot turn 1/2 right putting the right heel forward
2Step right foot next to left (home)
3-4Left heel forward, Step left foot next to right (home)
5-8Tap right heel forward, Tap right toe back, Tap right heel forward, Step right foot next to left (home)

Alternating left/right heels with 1/3 turn left, Left Heel, toe heel, step
1With weight on the ball of the right foot turn 1/4 left putting the left heel forward
2Step left foot next to right (home)
3-4Right heel forward, Step right foot next to left (home)
5-8Tap left heel forward, Tap left toe back, Tap left heel forward, Step left foot next to right (home)

* Pause after the 10th wall facing 6 o clock to acknowledge friendship with the solo cup and resume dance on Chorus.


1 评论

hccurtis November 5, 2011
Would like to sere a video of this dance !

Movie Here