CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Story Book Shuffle

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Phrased Intermediate
Anna Marie (UK) & Maurice - October 2011
Cradle of Love - Johnny Preston
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Start 8 counts in on the word "Rock".

A – 64 counts
(1-8) Right & Left Diagonal Toe Struts
1-2-3-4Touch ball of right foot forward, drop right heel to floor, touch ball of left foot forward, drop heel.
5-6-7-8Touch ball of right foot back, drop right heel to floor, touch ball of left foot back, drop heel.

(9-16) Right Side Rock, Back Rock, Side Rock, Cross, Hold
1-2-3-4Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, rock back on right foot, recover (weight onto left).
5-6-7-8Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, cross step right over left ,hold (weight on right).

(17-32) Repeat above 16 Counts On Opposite Foot Ending Left Crossed Over Right

(33-40) Right Grapevine, Monterey ½ Turn Right
1-2-3-4Step right to right Side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross step left over right.
5-6-7-8Point right toe to right side, turn ½ right on left stepping right next to left, point left toe to left side, step left foot next to right.

(41-48) Right Grapevine Cross, Side Hold, Hip Roll
1-2-3-4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross step left over right.
5-6-7-8Step right foot to right side, Hold, Rotate/Roll hips clockwise weight ending on right.

(49-56) Rumba Box Forward x2
1-2-3-4Step left side, step right together, step left forward, Hold
5-6-7-8Step right to side, step left together, step right forward, Hold

(57-64) Rumba Box Back x2
1-2-3-4step left side, step right together, step left back, Hold
5-6-7-8step right side, step left together, step right foot back, Hold

B – 40 counts
(1-8) Left& Right Lock Steps Forward With Scuffs
1-2-3-4Step forward on left, step right behind left, step forward on left, scuff right forward.
5-6-7-8Step forward on right, step left behind right, step forward on right, scuff left forward.

(9-16) Left Vine ¼ Turn Hitch, 1/2 Turn Hitch
1-2-3-4Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left making ¼ turn left, hitch right knee
5-6-7-8Pivot ½ turn left stepping back on right foot, hitch left knee, step back on left foot, hitch right knee (weight on left).

(17-32) Repeat above counts 1-16 on Opposite Foot End Facing 6 O'Clock wall, left knee hitched.

(33-40) Step Forward, Hold x3, Swivels ½ Turn, Hold
1-2-3-4Step left forward, Hold for 3 counts
5-6-7-8On balls of both feet swivel heels ¼ turn left, swivel heels back to centre, swivel heels making ½ turn right, Hold.


Contact: - Tel: 07737842522

Last Revision - 24th October 2011

1 评论

Dee Dee October 26, 2011
Great dance well done Anna and Maurice

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