Intro: 32 Counts
Kick and Touch, Coaster Step, Rock Recover, ½ Turn Right Triple Stepping Forward
1 & 2Kick R Foot forward, step R foot down, Touch L foot forward (12:00)
3, 4Bring L foot back, bring R foot to L foot, step forward on L
5, 6Rock forward on R foot, recover L foot
7 & 8½ turn R with R foot going forward, step L foot to R foot, Step R foot forward (6:00)
Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, ¼ Turn Toe Touches
1, 2Rock forward on L foot, Recover R foot
3 & 4Bring L foot back, bring R foot to L foot, step forward on L
5 & 6¼ turn R touching R foot, step down (9:00)
7, 8Touch L foot, step down
Grapevine R, ½ turn Grapevine L, Kick and Kick, Coaster Step
1 & 2Step R foot to side, Step L foot behind R, Step R foot to R side
3 & 4Make ½ turn R stepping L foot down, Step R foot behind L, Step L foot to L side (3:00)
5 & 6Kick R foot forward, step R foot beside L, Kick L foot forward
7, 8Step L foot behind R foot, Step R foot beside L, Step L foot forward
Type of steps
1 & 2Step R foot diagonally R, Bring L foot to R foot, Step R foot forward
3 & 4Step L foot diagonally L, Bring R foot to L foot, Step L foot forward
5, 6Step forward on R foot and pivot ½ turn L
7, 8Step forward on R foot and pivot ¼ turn L
Restart on wall 5 and 10 after the first 16 counts creating a 4 wall dance.
Contact E-mail: cody@when.com
Kick and Touch, Coaster Step, Rock Recover, ½ Turn Right Triple Stepping Forward
1 & 2Kick R Foot forward, step R foot down, Touch L foot forward (12:00)
3, 4Bring L foot back, bring R foot to L foot, step forward on L
5, 6Rock forward on R foot, recover L foot
7 & 8½ turn R with R foot going forward, step L foot to R foot, Step R foot forward (6:00)
Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, ¼ Turn Toe Touches
1, 2Rock forward on L foot, Recover R foot
3 & 4Bring L foot back, bring R foot to L foot, step forward on L
5 & 6¼ turn R touching R foot, step down (9:00)
7, 8Touch L foot, step down
Grapevine R, ½ turn Grapevine L, Kick and Kick, Coaster Step
1 & 2Step R foot to side, Step L foot behind R, Step R foot to R side
3 & 4Make ½ turn R stepping L foot down, Step R foot behind L, Step L foot to L side (3:00)
5 & 6Kick R foot forward, step R foot beside L, Kick L foot forward
7, 8Step L foot behind R foot, Step R foot beside L, Step L foot forward
Type of steps
1 & 2Step R foot diagonally R, Bring L foot to R foot, Step R foot forward
3 & 4Step L foot diagonally L, Bring R foot to L foot, Step L foot forward
5, 6Step forward on R foot and pivot ½ turn L
7, 8Step forward on R foot and pivot ¼ turn L
Restart on wall 5 and 10 after the first 16 counts creating a 4 wall dance.
Contact E-mail: cody@when.com