CopperKnob Stepsheets

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If Ya' Lucky

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Kath Dickens (UK) - October 2011
Tonight's the Night - John Barrowman : (Album: The Very best of John Barrowman)
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16 Counts Intro, start on vocals.

Side, Behind, Kick Ball Cross, Chasse, Left Sailor
1 - 2Step Right to side, step Left Behind
3 & 4Kick Right, step onto Right, Cross Left over Right
5 & 6Step Right to side, step Left together, step Right to side
7 & 8Step Left behind Right, Right to side, step Left to side (ending on slight diagonal to 1-00)

Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 Turn Right x2, Cross Shuffle
1 - 2Step Right behind Left, step side Left
3 & 4Cross Right over Left, step Left to side, cross Right over Left
5 - 6Make 1/4 turn Right stepping back on Left, make 1/4 turn Right stepping side Right
7 & 8Cross Left over Right, step Right to side, cross Left over Right

Side, Touch, Kick Ball Cross, Side, Touch, Kick Ball Cross
1 - 2Extended step to side Right, touch Left next to Right,
3 & 4Kick Left to diagonal Left, step onto Left, cross Right over Left
5 - 6Extended step to Left, touch Right next to Left
7 & 8Kick Right to Right Diagonal, step onto Right, cross Left over Right

Side, Hold, & Cross, Hold, & Rock Back, Recover, Step 1/2 Pivot
1 - 2Step side Right, Hold,
&3 - 4Step onto Left, cross Right over Left, Hold
&5 - 6Step Left to side, rock back on Right, recover
7 - 8Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left (Tag*)

Step, Kick, & Point, & Point, Step, Kick, & Point, & Point
1 - 2Step forward on Right, kick Left forward
&3&4Step onto Left, point Right to Right side, step Right next to Left, point Left to side (Slightly bend knees)
5 - 6Step forward on Left, kick Right forward
&7&8Step onto Right, point Left to left side, step Left next to Right, point Right to side (Slightly bend knees)

Rocking Chair, Step 1/4 Pivot x 2 (With hips)
1-2-3-4Rock forward on Right, recover, rock back on Right, recover
5-6-7-8Step forward on Right, pivot 1/4 turn Left x2 (Rotate hips anti-clockwise)

Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Jazz-Box, Cross
1-2-3-4Cross Right over Left, point Left to side, cross Left over Right, point Right to side
5-6-7-8Cross Right over Left, step back on Left, step side Right, cross Left over Right

Chasse, Rock Back, Recover, Roll Left, Touch
1 & 2Step side Right, step Left together, step side Right
3 - 4Rock back on Left, recover
5 - 6Make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left, make 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right
7 - 8Make 1/4 turn with an extended step to side on Left, touch Right next to Left.

TAG*: 8 Counts - Right Rocking Chair, Step 1/2 Pivot x 2 (On first wall only..!! )
1-2-3-4Rock forward on Right, recover, rock back on Right, recover
5-6-7-8Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn Left x 2

1 评论

coll March 23, 2012
love kath ,s music choice and dance,s dont know why this as not took off yet .

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