Easier Intermediate
Side rock cross shuffle x 2
1-2Rock right to right side recover onto left
3&4Cross right across left step left to side cross right across left (travelling forward)
5-6Rock left to left side recover onto right
7&8Cross left across right step right to side cross left across right (travelling forward)
½ Monterey turn walk forward x3 and kick left forward
1-4Touch right to right side turn ½ turn to right sweeping right around and stepping next to left touch left to left side step left next to right
5-8Walk forward right left right and kick left forward
Touch toe back reverse ½ pivot turn ½ turning right triple step coaster step stomp stomp
1-2Touch left toe back pivot ½ turn left weight on left
3&4Turning ½ to left doing triple step right left right
5&6Step left back step right next to right step left forward
7-8Stomp right forward stomp left next to right
Skate out out skate in in ¼ shuffle right ¼ left touch
1-2Skate right forward diagonally to right skate left forward diagonally to left
3-4Skate right forward diagonally to left skate left forward diagonally to right (bend knees slightly)
5&6Turn ¼ right stepping forward right left right
7-8Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side touch right next to left.
2 Restarts wall 4 and wall 8
Dance first 15 counts but then step left next to right and start dance from beginning.
Chris Jones
Email chaysstompers@hotmail.co.uk - Mobile 07745458362
www.chaysstompers.org - www.chaysstompers.co.uk
1-2Rock right to right side recover onto left
3&4Cross right across left step left to side cross right across left (travelling forward)
5-6Rock left to left side recover onto right
7&8Cross left across right step right to side cross left across right (travelling forward)
½ Monterey turn walk forward x3 and kick left forward
1-4Touch right to right side turn ½ turn to right sweeping right around and stepping next to left touch left to left side step left next to right
5-8Walk forward right left right and kick left forward
Touch toe back reverse ½ pivot turn ½ turning right triple step coaster step stomp stomp
1-2Touch left toe back pivot ½ turn left weight on left
3&4Turning ½ to left doing triple step right left right
5&6Step left back step right next to right step left forward
7-8Stomp right forward stomp left next to right
Skate out out skate in in ¼ shuffle right ¼ left touch
1-2Skate right forward diagonally to right skate left forward diagonally to left
3-4Skate right forward diagonally to left skate left forward diagonally to right (bend knees slightly)
5&6Turn ¼ right stepping forward right left right
7-8Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side touch right next to left.
2 Restarts wall 4 and wall 8
Dance first 15 counts but then step left next to right and start dance from beginning.
Chris Jones
Email chaysstompers@hotmail.co.uk - Mobile 07745458362
www.chaysstompers.org - www.chaysstompers.co.uk