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The Tide is High

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Jonas Andréasson (SWE) - August 2011
The Tide Is High - Blondie
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Alt. music: Atomic Kitten - The Tide is High

Intro 16 counts

S 1: Left cross rock, right shuffle, right cross rock, left shuffle
1-2Cross right foot over left, recover on left
3&4Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right
5-6Cross left over right, recover on right
7&8Step left to left, step right beside, step left to left

S 2: Right rock step turn 1/4 left , Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right, full right turn, left lock step
1-2Make 1/4 turn left by rocking right foot forward. Recover to left
3&4Shuffle step forward making 1/2 turn right, stepping – Left, Right, Left.
5-6Make a 1/2 turn right stepping left back, make a 1/2 turn right stepping right forward (easy option walk left right)
7&8Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind, step left foot forward

S 3: Right cross rock, right cross shuffle to left,step left to left, left cross rock, left cross shuffle to right
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left,
3&4Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.
5-6Step left to left, step right slightly back left
7&8Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Cross left over right

S 4: Long step to the right, right sailor turn 1/4 right, hip bumps
1-2Step right foot to right, step left beside right
3&4Turn right by Crossing right behind left. Step left to left side. Step right to place
5-6Hip bumps left, right
7&8Hip bumps left, right, left

Restart in 4th wall after 28 counts(listen to music) Skip the hip bumps in count 5-8 in section 4.
Tags in 6th wall and 9th wall - hip bumps (4 counts) or sway (listen to music).

Atomic Kitten:
Tag after wall 3 and 5, 16 counts:
Left cross rock, right shuffle turn 1/2 right, left cross rock, Left cross shuffle, rock, recover, sailor 1/2 right, cross rock, left shuffle.
1-2Cross right foot over left, recover on left
3&4Shuffle step forward making 1/2 turn right, stepping – Right, Left, Right.
5-6Rock left to left, recover
7&8Cross left over right, step right to right side, Cross left over right.

9-10Rock right to right, recover on left
11&12Cross right behind left. Step left to left side turning 1/2 right. Step right to place
13-14Cross left over right, recover
15&16Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left.

Tag after wall 6, Sway or hip bumps (4 counts) (listen to music).

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