Start dancing on lyrics, “I never thought…,” approximately 6 seconds into track.
Sequence of Walls: 48-48-48-48-Tag-32*-48-48-48-48-48-Tag-Tag-32*-48-Ending
[1-8] Step Right; Sway; Step; Hold; Weave Left; Hold
1-4Step right to right side, Sway right and gently lift left arch towards right calf, Step left to left side, Hold
5-8Step right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right across left, Hold
[9-16] Step Left; Sway; Step; Hold; Weave Right; Hold
1-4Step left to left side, Sway left and gently lift right arch towards left calf, Step right to right side, Hold
5-8Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left across right, Hold
[17-24] Step ¼ Pivot Cross; Hold; Step ½ Turn Cross; Hold
1-4Step right forward, Pivot ¼ left, Step right across left, Hold (9:00)
5-8Step left to left side, Turn ½ right stepping right to right side, Step left across right, Hold (3:00)
[25-32] Rock Recover Right Cross; Unwind; Rock Recover Left Cross; Hold
1-4Rock right to right side, Recover left, Step right across left beginning an unwind left, Complete full unwind with weight ending on right (3:00)
5-8Rock left to left side, Recover right, Step left across right, Hold
*Restart here on Walls 5 and 11
[33-40] 3/4 Turn; Step; Hitch; ¼ Arc Walk Back; Hitch
1-4Turn ¼ left stepping right back, Turn ½ Left stepping left forward, Step right forward, Hitch left knee (6:00)
5-8Step back left, right, left while walking a ¼ arc turning right, Hitch right knee (9:00)
[41-48] Slow Coaster; Hold; Step ½ Pivot; Step; Hold
1-4Step right back, Step left together with right, Step right forward, Hold
5-8Step left forward, Pivot ½ right, Step left forward, Hold (3:00)
Begin again
Walls 5 and 11 after 32-counts – in both occurrences the 32-counts are all instrumental and follow a tag
Wall 4 – 8-count tag (below) at end of wall 4 (2nd time facing 12:00)
Wall 10 – 8-count tag (below) repeated twice at end of wall 10 (3rd time facing 6:00)
1-4Rock right to right side, Recover left, Step right across left, Hold
5-8Rock left to left side, Recover right, Step left across right, Hold
The song ends on wall 13 after 30-counts. Dance through the first 28-counts, up to and including the full unwind, then add the following:
29-30Turn ¼ left stepping left forward, Hold (12:00)
Sequence of Walls: 48-48-48-48-Tag-32*-48-48-48-48-48-Tag-Tag-32*-48-Ending
[1-8] Step Right; Sway; Step; Hold; Weave Left; Hold
1-4Step right to right side, Sway right and gently lift left arch towards right calf, Step left to left side, Hold
5-8Step right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right across left, Hold
[9-16] Step Left; Sway; Step; Hold; Weave Right; Hold
1-4Step left to left side, Sway left and gently lift right arch towards left calf, Step right to right side, Hold
5-8Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left across right, Hold
[17-24] Step ¼ Pivot Cross; Hold; Step ½ Turn Cross; Hold
1-4Step right forward, Pivot ¼ left, Step right across left, Hold (9:00)
5-8Step left to left side, Turn ½ right stepping right to right side, Step left across right, Hold (3:00)
[25-32] Rock Recover Right Cross; Unwind; Rock Recover Left Cross; Hold
1-4Rock right to right side, Recover left, Step right across left beginning an unwind left, Complete full unwind with weight ending on right (3:00)
5-8Rock left to left side, Recover right, Step left across right, Hold
*Restart here on Walls 5 and 11
[33-40] 3/4 Turn; Step; Hitch; ¼ Arc Walk Back; Hitch
1-4Turn ¼ left stepping right back, Turn ½ Left stepping left forward, Step right forward, Hitch left knee (6:00)
5-8Step back left, right, left while walking a ¼ arc turning right, Hitch right knee (9:00)
[41-48] Slow Coaster; Hold; Step ½ Pivot; Step; Hold
1-4Step right back, Step left together with right, Step right forward, Hold
5-8Step left forward, Pivot ½ right, Step left forward, Hold (3:00)
Begin again
Walls 5 and 11 after 32-counts – in both occurrences the 32-counts are all instrumental and follow a tag
Wall 4 – 8-count tag (below) at end of wall 4 (2nd time facing 12:00)
Wall 10 – 8-count tag (below) repeated twice at end of wall 10 (3rd time facing 6:00)
1-4Rock right to right side, Recover left, Step right across left, Hold
5-8Rock left to left side, Recover right, Step left across right, Hold
The song ends on wall 13 after 30-counts. Dance through the first 28-counts, up to and including the full unwind, then add the following:
29-30Turn ¼ left stepping left forward, Hold (12:00)