Based loosely on Jan Wyllie’s Intermediate dance
(1-6) ¼ Turn basic
1Step back with the Right foot
2Step Left foot making ¼ turn to left (9:00) wall
3Step Right foot to next to left
4 - 6Step Left foot forward and Right and Left in place
(7 – 24) Repeat 3 more times to face front (12:00) wall, having made a total of 4 ¼ turns.
25- 27Step forward on Right; Left next to right Right in place
28 -30Step back on Left; Right next to left Left in place
(31-36) TWINKLES
31 - 33Cross Right foot in front of left, recover on Left and step right with Right
34 – 36Cross Left foot in front of right, recover on Right, step left with Left
37-39Step forward on Right; Left next to right Right in place
40 -42Step back on Left; Right next to left Left in place
(43-48) FULL TURN or (43-48) optional BACK TWINKLES
43-45Make a ½ turn to the right (clockwise) to the back (6:00) wall RLR
46-47Make a ½ turn to the right (clockwise) to the front (12:00) wall LRL
Optional Back Twinkles
43-45Cross Right foot behind left, recover on Left and step right with Right
46–48Cross Left foot behind right, recover on Right, step left with Left
I would like to thank both Dave Sheriff for his writing this song and making it available on his website for free, and Jan Wyllie for her many contributions to Line Dancing and inspiration. If the class has the ability, it should do her version of the dance.
See: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/dances/thewaltzqueen/index.html
Contact: BreslauerDanceSF@yahoo.com
(1-6) ¼ Turn basic
1Step back with the Right foot
2Step Left foot making ¼ turn to left (9:00) wall
3Step Right foot to next to left
4 - 6Step Left foot forward and Right and Left in place
(7 – 24) Repeat 3 more times to face front (12:00) wall, having made a total of 4 ¼ turns.
25- 27Step forward on Right; Left next to right Right in place
28 -30Step back on Left; Right next to left Left in place
(31-36) TWINKLES
31 - 33Cross Right foot in front of left, recover on Left and step right with Right
34 – 36Cross Left foot in front of right, recover on Right, step left with Left
37-39Step forward on Right; Left next to right Right in place
40 -42Step back on Left; Right next to left Left in place
(43-48) FULL TURN or (43-48) optional BACK TWINKLES
43-45Make a ½ turn to the right (clockwise) to the back (6:00) wall RLR
46-47Make a ½ turn to the right (clockwise) to the front (12:00) wall LRL
Optional Back Twinkles
43-45Cross Right foot behind left, recover on Left and step right with Right
46–48Cross Left foot behind right, recover on Right, step left with Left
I would like to thank both Dave Sheriff for his writing this song and making it available on his website for free, and Jan Wyllie for her many contributions to Line Dancing and inspiration. If the class has the ability, it should do her version of the dance.
See: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/dances/thewaltzqueen/index.html
Contact: BreslauerDanceSF@yahoo.com