CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Super Bass

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Phrased Intermediate
Emily Woo (CAN) - July 2015
Super Bass (clean) - Nicki Minaj
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Start 16 Counts into music...Sequence : A,A, TAG, B,B, A,A, B,B, A,A, B,B

Part A - 32 counts
Kick , Out, Out, Knee in , ¼ R, Step, Kick Ball Touch , ½ Turn L
1&2Kick R forward, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
3-4-5Bend R knee In , Step R and turn ¼ R , Step L forward
6&7-8Kick R Forward , Step on ball of R, Touch L behind R, Turn ½ L and step on L forward ( 9 o’clock )

Step, Hitch , Step, Brush Hitch , Point Back, Forward, ¼ L
1-2-3-4Step R forward(1), Hitch L slowly (lift both arms up , open fingers , palms facing down)( 2 – 3) Step down with both knees slightly bent(4)
5&6Brush R forward, Hitch and point back
7-8Step R forward , Turn ¼ L and step L to side

Cross , Back , Heel , Cross back heel ¼ L , Walk , Walk , Forward Mambo
1&2&Cross R over L , Step L back , Touch R heel to R diagonal, Step R besides L
3&4&Cross L over R, Step R back and turn ¼ to L, Touch L heel to L diagonal , Step L besides R
5-6Step R forward, step L forward ( 3 o’clock )
7&8Step R forward , Recover on L , Step R back

Back , Back, Sailor ¼ Turn L , Step , ½ Turn , Step, Kick Step Touch
1-2Step L back, Step R back
3&4L sailor ¼ L
5&6Step R forward, Turn ½ L Step on L ,Step R forward
7&8Kick L forward, Step on L , Touch R besides L (6 o’clock )

TAG (12 O’clock) 16 counts
1-2-3-4Step R to side (1), Bounce R heel x 3 ( open R fingers & swing up and down from the wrist )
5-6-7-8Swing L and with fingers open ( palm facing down ) from R to L across chest ( bounce both heels x4 )

1Raise R hand with finger pointing to sky ( palm facing forward )
2-3-4Put down R hand over 3 counts
5&6&7&8&Swing R forearm ( hold fist ) R, L ,R,L,R,L,R,L with hip bump R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L Weight end on L

Part B - 32 counts
Shuffle Forward , Pivot ½ Turn R, Shuffle Forward, Pivot ½ Turn L
1&2-3-4R shuffle forward, Step L forward, ½ turn R and step R
5&6-7-8L shuffle forward, Step R Forward , ½ turnL and Step L

Chasse R, ¼ L Rock Back , R Recover, ¼ R Chasse L , ¼ R Rock Back, Recover
1&2Step R to R, Close L to R, Step R to R
3-4Rock L back and turn ¼ L, Recover on R
5&6Turn ¼ R and Step L to L , Close R to L , Step L to L
7-8Rock R back and turn ¼ R, Recover on L forward

Rock Forward , Bounce x 3 , Step Together , ½ L, Rock L Forward , Bounce x 3
1-2-3-4Step R Forward, Lift up both heels and Bounce x3
&5Close R to L and turn ½ to R with ball of R, Step L forward
6-7-8Lift up both heels and bounce x 3

Forward, ¼ L Step, Cross , Step Back ¼ R, Step ,Forward, ½ L , Coaster Step
1-2Step R forward, Turn ¼ L and step L to side
3&4Cross R over L , Step back L and turn ¼ R, Step R besides L
5-6Step L forward, Step back R and turn ½ L
7&8Step L back , Step R besides L , Step L forward

Ending : Turn ½ L & Step, Pose

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