CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Slide On Over

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Melissa Monter - July 2011
I'll Be Your Man - James Blunt
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Begin on Lyrics

Walk, Walk, Right Mambo, Walk, Walk, Left Mambo
1-2Right foot forward, left foot forward
3&4Right side rock, recover, right step in place (side mambo step)
5-6Left foot forward, right foot forward
7&8Left side rock, recover, left step in place (side mambo step)

Slide to the right, step, step, slide to the left, step, step
1-3Step right foot to the side and slide left to meet right (keep weight on right)
&4Step left, then right (similar to ball change) keeping weight on right foot
5-7Step left foot to the side and slide right to meet left (keeping weight on left)
&8Step right, then left (similar to ball change) keeping weight on left foot

1/2 turn, 1/4 turn, hip bumps
1-2Step right foot forward and 1/2 turn (facing 6 o'clock wall)
3-4Step right foot forward and 1/4 turn (facing 3 o'clock wall)
5-6 2hip bumps to the right
7&8Hip bumps left, right, left

Right rock recover, right shuffle, left rock recover, left shuffle
1-2Right cross rock, recover
3&4Right side shuffle, right, left, right
5-6Left cross rock, recover
7&8Left side shuffle, left, right, left

Start over

*Near the end of the song, the music slows and has a break (you will be facing the 9 o'clock wall), keep dancing at the same beat!

1 评论

DianeEllis April 27, 2024
Great dance to a great song! I will be teaching this.

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