CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Carino Bambino

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Advanced Beginner
William Sevone (UK) - June 2011
Cariño - Jennifer Lopez : (Album: J.Lo - English or Spanish Versions)
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Choreographers note:- A tight, small stepped social Cha Cha incorporating ‘Press Steps’ suitable for the Advanced Beginner or experienced Beginner.
Those wanting a more aesthetically and technically challenging dance can try the Intermediate/Advanced ‘Carino’ (by the same Choreographer).
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with the Snare Drum and Bass intro (aprox 25 seconds from start of music) – vocals will start with 2nd Wall.

2x Sway. Rec-Behind-Side Rock. 2x Sway. Rec-Behind-1/4 Forward (9:00)
1 – 2Sway right to right side. Sway onto left.
3& 4Recover weight onto right, step left behind right, rock right to right side.
5 – 6Sway left to left side. Sway onto right.
7& 8Recover weight onto left, step right behind left, turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (9).

Press. Rec. Coaster. Press. Rec. Triple 1/2 Left (3:00)
9 – 10Press right forward. Recover onto left.
11& 12Step backward onto right, step left next to right, step forward onto right.
13 – 14Press left forward. Recover onto right.
15& 16(on the spot) Triple step ½ left stepping: L.R-L (3)

Press. Rec. Coaster. Press. Rec. Triple 1/4 Left (12:00)
17 – 18Press right forward. Recover onto left.
19& 20Step backward onto right, step left next to right, step forward onto right.
21 – 22Press left forward. Recover onto right.
23& 24(on the spot) Triple step ¼ left stepping: L.R-L (12)

Diag Press. Rec. 1/4 Right Fwd-Lockstep. Diag Press. Rec. Diag Bwd-Lockstep with turn (3:00)
25 – 26Press right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left (10:30)
27& 28Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right (1:30)
29 – 30Press left forward. Recover onto right (1:30)
31& 32Step left diagonally backward left, lock right across front of left, step diagonally backward left (1:30)
– Prepare to turn 1/8th right to face new wall (3).

DANCE FINISH: At the end of Wall 13 - Replace the 1/8th RIGHT turn with a 1/8th LEFT turn to face ‘Home’
– then do the following:
1& 2Cross right over left, rock left to left side, recover onto right.
3 – 4Sway onto left. Sway onto right.
5& 6Step left to left side, step right next to left, with a slight sweep – step left behind right.
7 – 8Step right to right side. Step left next to right.
9 – 10Step right to right side. Touch left next to right.
11 – 12Step left to left side. Touch right next to left.
13& 14(on the spot) Triple step R.L-R.
15 – 16Turn ¼ left & step left to left side – placing left hand on left hip (9).
Recover weight onto right whilst turning upper body ¼ right to face the ‘Home wall’. (Hold Poise)

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