32 Count Intro. Start before vocals
Turning jazz box x 2
1-4Step right across left, step left turning ¼ right, step forward right turning ¼ right, step left.
5-8Repeat steps 1-4.
Right side, Cross, Side, Heel, Left side, Cross, Side, Heel.
1-4Step right foot to right side, step left across right, step right foot to right side, tap left heel forward.
5-8Step left foot to left side, step right across left, step left foot to left side, tap right heel forward.
Back struts, Heels, Toes, Roll back. Recover.
1-4Touch right toe back & out, drop right heel to floor, touch left toe back & out, drop left heel to floor.
5-8Bring both heels in to centre, bring both toes in to centre, roll back on heels, recover.
Side strut cross strut with clicks, Step pivot ½ turn x 2.
1-2Touch right toe to right side, drop heel to floor clicking fingers up.
3-4Touch left toe across right foot, drop heel to floor clicking fingers up.
5-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot ½ turn left.
Second restart here (Wall 8).
Cross in front, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Sweep.
1-3Step right across left, step left to left side, step right behind left, sweep left foot round to back.
5-8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across right, sweep right foot round to front.
Touch across, side, behind hook, turn ¼, back, lock, back, side.
1-2Touch right toe across left, touch right toe out to right side.
3-4Hook right toe behind left ankle, pivot ¼ left.
5-8Step back right, lock left across right, step back right, step left to left side.
First restart here (wall 3).
Heel, Toe, Kick, Flick, Step pivot ¼ turn x 2.
1-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe across left, kick right forward, flick right out to right side.
5-8Step right forward, pivot ¼ left, step right forward, pivot ¼ left.
Start again, enjoy.
RESTARTS: 2 Restarts - Wall 3 After Section 6 (3 O’clock) and Wall 8 After Section 4 (3 O’clock)
Contact Email :- madeleine-jones@blueyonder.co.uk
Turning jazz box x 2
1-4Step right across left, step left turning ¼ right, step forward right turning ¼ right, step left.
5-8Repeat steps 1-4.
Right side, Cross, Side, Heel, Left side, Cross, Side, Heel.
1-4Step right foot to right side, step left across right, step right foot to right side, tap left heel forward.
5-8Step left foot to left side, step right across left, step left foot to left side, tap right heel forward.
Back struts, Heels, Toes, Roll back. Recover.
1-4Touch right toe back & out, drop right heel to floor, touch left toe back & out, drop left heel to floor.
5-8Bring both heels in to centre, bring both toes in to centre, roll back on heels, recover.
Side strut cross strut with clicks, Step pivot ½ turn x 2.
1-2Touch right toe to right side, drop heel to floor clicking fingers up.
3-4Touch left toe across right foot, drop heel to floor clicking fingers up.
5-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot ½ turn left.
Second restart here (Wall 8).
Cross in front, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Sweep.
1-3Step right across left, step left to left side, step right behind left, sweep left foot round to back.
5-8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across right, sweep right foot round to front.
Touch across, side, behind hook, turn ¼, back, lock, back, side.
1-2Touch right toe across left, touch right toe out to right side.
3-4Hook right toe behind left ankle, pivot ¼ left.
5-8Step back right, lock left across right, step back right, step left to left side.
First restart here (wall 3).
Heel, Toe, Kick, Flick, Step pivot ¼ turn x 2.
1-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe across left, kick right forward, flick right out to right side.
5-8Step right forward, pivot ¼ left, step right forward, pivot ¼ left.
Start again, enjoy.
RESTARTS: 2 Restarts - Wall 3 After Section 6 (3 O’clock) and Wall 8 After Section 4 (3 O’clock)
Contact Email :- madeleine-jones@blueyonder.co.uk