Upper Beginner
Written by request for Ilse from The Netherlands
16 count intro.
Fwd Touch, Side Rock Replace, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock Replace
1,2,3,4Step fwd on L, Touch R beside L, Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt on L
5&6Cross shuffle to left stepping R,L,R
7,8Rock/step L to left, Rock/replace wt on R
4 Count Weave Right, Rock Replace, Side Touch
9,10,11,12Step L behind R, Step R to right, Step L across R, Step R to right
13,14,15,16Rock/step L behind R, Rock/replace wt on R, Step L to left, Touch R beside L
Rock Replace, Shuffle Back, 1/2 Shuffle, Rock Replace
17,18Rock/step fwd on R, Rock/replace wt back on L
19&20Shuffle back R,L,R
21&22Making 1/2 left shuffle fwd L,R,L
23,24Rock/step fwd on R, Rock/replace wt back on L
Step Pivot 1/2 Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Shuffle, Step Back Unwind 1/2
17,18Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L
19&20Shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
21&22Making 1/2 right shuffle back L,R,L
23,24Step back on R, Unwind 1/2 right transferring wt to L
Back Touch/Click, Back Touch/Click, Rock Replace, Shuffle Fwd
25,26Step R back towards right diagonal, Touch L beside R and click fingers
27,28Step R back towards left diagonal, Touch R beside L and click fingers
29,30Rock/step back on R, Rock/replace wt fwd on L
31&32Shuffle fwd R,L,R
Here’s another beginner dance written by request for Ilse.
No fancy steps here, just a basic dance to a nice song
As we already do a dance to this song (Rebel Amore) I thought it easier to
call this dance ‘A Dance For Ilse ‘rather than confuse the issue with a similar name
Hope you enjoy it.
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact: Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au = Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/
16 count intro.
Fwd Touch, Side Rock Replace, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock Replace
1,2,3,4Step fwd on L, Touch R beside L, Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt on L
5&6Cross shuffle to left stepping R,L,R
7,8Rock/step L to left, Rock/replace wt on R
4 Count Weave Right, Rock Replace, Side Touch
9,10,11,12Step L behind R, Step R to right, Step L across R, Step R to right
13,14,15,16Rock/step L behind R, Rock/replace wt on R, Step L to left, Touch R beside L
Rock Replace, Shuffle Back, 1/2 Shuffle, Rock Replace
17,18Rock/step fwd on R, Rock/replace wt back on L
19&20Shuffle back R,L,R
21&22Making 1/2 left shuffle fwd L,R,L
23,24Rock/step fwd on R, Rock/replace wt back on L
Step Pivot 1/2 Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Shuffle, Step Back Unwind 1/2
17,18Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/2 left transferring wt to L
19&20Shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
21&22Making 1/2 right shuffle back L,R,L
23,24Step back on R, Unwind 1/2 right transferring wt to L
Back Touch/Click, Back Touch/Click, Rock Replace, Shuffle Fwd
25,26Step R back towards right diagonal, Touch L beside R and click fingers
27,28Step R back towards left diagonal, Touch R beside L and click fingers
29,30Rock/step back on R, Rock/replace wt fwd on L
31&32Shuffle fwd R,L,R
Here’s another beginner dance written by request for Ilse.
No fancy steps here, just a basic dance to a nice song
As we already do a dance to this song (Rebel Amore) I thought it easier to
call this dance ‘A Dance For Ilse ‘rather than confuse the issue with a similar name
Hope you enjoy it.
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact: Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au = Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/