CopperKnob Stepsheets

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M. Vasquez (UK) - April 2011
Love It When You Call - Kerry Ellis : (Album: Anthems)
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Note: Dance starts on main vocal to lyrics 'I found a switch...'

Section 1: Walk Forward x 3, Kick, Walk Back x3, Touch
1-3Walk forward – right, left, right
4Kick left forward
5-7Walk back – left, right, left
8Touch right beside left

Section 2: Rolling Vine, Clap, Rolling Vine, Clap
1-4Step right making 1/4 turn right, 1/4 turn on the ball of right foot stepping left to left side, pivot 1/2 turn on ball of left foot stepping right foot to right, clap
5-8Step left making 1/4 turn left, 1/4 turn on the ball of left foot stepping right to right side, pivot 1/2 turn on ball of right foot stepping left foot to left, clap

Section 3: Rock, Recover, Cross-Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Cross-Shuffle
1-2Rock onto right foot; recover onto left,
3&4Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left
5-6Rock onto left foot; recover onto right
7&8Cross step left over right, step right to right side, cross step left over right

Section 4: Rock, Recover, Cross, ¼ Turn, Shuffle, Step, Touch
1-2Rock onto right foot, recover onto left
3-4Cross right foot behind left, turn ¼ left placing weight on foot
5&6Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
7-8Step onto left and touch right next to left.

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1 评论

spaced boy April 4, 2011
great track - great choreography - class love it

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