Starts On First Vocal.
Step, Rock, Sweep, Behind & Cross, Side Rock, Behind 1/4 Step.
1-3Step forward on Left, rock forward on Right, recover on Left sweeping Right out to side.
4&5Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
6-7Rock Left to Left side, recover on Right.
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left.
Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Step, 1/2, Sailor 1/4 Cross.
2-3Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
4&5Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to side, step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.
6-7Step forward on Left, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping back on Right.
8&1Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left behind Right, step Right next to Left, Left cross step Left over Right.
1/2 Cross, Together, Rock & Drag Into Lift, Coaster Step.
2-3Make 1/2 turn to Right cross stepping Right over Left, step Left next to Right
4&5Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left, drag Right in toward Left.
6-7Continue dragging Right toward Left, Lift Right up into a slight hitch.
8&1Step back on Right, step Left next to Right, step forward on Right.
Rock Step, Lock Step Back, 1/4 Out, Out, Right Lock Step.
2-3Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
4&5Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, step back on Left.
6-7Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side, step Left out to Left side.
8&1Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
1/2 Out, Out, Left Lock Step, Rock Step, Back, 1/4 Cross.
2-3Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back & out on Left, step Right out to Right side.
4&5Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
6-7Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
8&1Step back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
1/4, 1/4, Rock & Side, Behind, 1/4, Shuffle 1/2.
2-3Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side.
4&5Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side. **CR**
6-7Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
8&11/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right.
1/2, Cross, Lock Step Back, 1/4 Sway, Sway, Drag Ball Step.
2-3Make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, cross/plop Right over Left.
4&5Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, step back on Left.
6-7Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side swaying to Right, recover on Left swaying Left.
8&1Drag Right toward Left, step Right next to Left, **R**, step forward on Left.
Step, Together, Back Lock 1/2, Step, Together, Back Lock 1/2.
2-3Step forward on Right, step Left next to Right.
4&5Step back on Right, lock Left over Right, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.
6-7Step forward on Left, step Right next to Left.
8&(1) Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, (make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left).
Tag: End of Wall 2 Facing Front.
Step, 1/2 Pivot, Shuffle, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Shuffle.
2-3Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left.
4&5Step forward Right, step Left next to Right, step forward Right.
6-7Step forward Left, pivot 1/2 turn Right.
8&1Step forward Left, step Right next to Left, step forward Left.
**R** Restart Wall 4..
Dance up to & including 8& (56&) in Section 7 then Restart from beginning.
**CR** Change of Steps & Restart.. Wall 5.
Dance up to & including 4&5 (45) in Section 6 then change Counts 6-8 to
6-8Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step forward on Right..
Then Restart dance from beginning
Step, Rock, Sweep, Behind & Cross, Side Rock, Behind 1/4 Step.
1-3Step forward on Left, rock forward on Right, recover on Left sweeping Right out to side.
4&5Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
6-7Rock Left to Left side, recover on Right.
8&1Cross step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left.
Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Step, 1/2, Sailor 1/4 Cross.
2-3Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
4&5Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to side, step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.
6-7Step forward on Left, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping back on Right.
8&1Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left behind Right, step Right next to Left, Left cross step Left over Right.
1/2 Cross, Together, Rock & Drag Into Lift, Coaster Step.
2-3Make 1/2 turn to Right cross stepping Right over Left, step Left next to Right
4&5Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left, drag Right in toward Left.
6-7Continue dragging Right toward Left, Lift Right up into a slight hitch.
8&1Step back on Right, step Left next to Right, step forward on Right.
Rock Step, Lock Step Back, 1/4 Out, Out, Right Lock Step.
2-3Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
4&5Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, step back on Left.
6-7Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side, step Left out to Left side.
8&1Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
1/2 Out, Out, Left Lock Step, Rock Step, Back, 1/4 Cross.
2-3Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back & out on Left, step Right out to Right side.
4&5Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
6-7Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
8&1Step back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
1/4, 1/4, Rock & Side, Behind, 1/4, Shuffle 1/2.
2-3Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side.
4&5Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side. **CR**
6-7Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
8&11/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right.
1/2, Cross, Lock Step Back, 1/4 Sway, Sway, Drag Ball Step.
2-3Make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, cross/plop Right over Left.
4&5Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, step back on Left.
6-7Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side swaying to Right, recover on Left swaying Left.
8&1Drag Right toward Left, step Right next to Left, **R**, step forward on Left.
Step, Together, Back Lock 1/2, Step, Together, Back Lock 1/2.
2-3Step forward on Right, step Left next to Right.
4&5Step back on Right, lock Left over Right, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.
6-7Step forward on Left, step Right next to Left.
8&(1) Step back on Left, lock Right over Left, (make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left).
Tag: End of Wall 2 Facing Front.
Step, 1/2 Pivot, Shuffle, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Shuffle.
2-3Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left.
4&5Step forward Right, step Left next to Right, step forward Right.
6-7Step forward Left, pivot 1/2 turn Right.
8&1Step forward Left, step Right next to Left, step forward Left.
**R** Restart Wall 4..
Dance up to & including 8& (56&) in Section 7 then Restart from beginning.
**CR** Change of Steps & Restart.. Wall 5.
Dance up to & including 4&5 (45) in Section 6 then change Counts 6-8 to
6-8Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step forward on Right..
Then Restart dance from beginning