Intro 16 counts
Rock Step, Coaster Step, Rock Step, Chasse ¼ Turn
1-2-3&4R fwd rock, recover onto L, R back step, tog with L, R fwd step
5-6-7&8L fwd rock, recover onto R, ¼ turn L side step, tog with R, L side step
Cross, Touch, Cross, Step, Sailor ½ Turn, Pivot ¼ Turn
1-4Cross over with R, L side touch, cross over with L, R side step
5&6-7-8Cross behind with L making ¼ turn L, ¼ turn L with R side step, L fwd step, R fwd step, ¼ turn L pivot
Cross Rock Step, Chasse, Cross, ¼, Chasse ¼ Turn
1-2-3&4R cross rock, recover onto L, R side step, tog with L, R side step
5-6-7&8Cross over with L, ¼ turn L stepping back with R, ¼ turn L side step, tog with R, L side step
Cross Rock Step, Chasse, Cross, ¼, Shuffle ½ Turn
1-2-3&4R cross rock, recover onto L, R side step, tog with L, R side step
5-6-7&8Cross over with L, ¼ turn L stepping back with R, ¼ turn L side step, tog with R, ¼ turn L fwd step
Contact: annie.saerens@countryplanet.be / www.countryplanet.be
Rock Step, Coaster Step, Rock Step, Chasse ¼ Turn
1-2-3&4R fwd rock, recover onto L, R back step, tog with L, R fwd step
5-6-7&8L fwd rock, recover onto R, ¼ turn L side step, tog with R, L side step
Cross, Touch, Cross, Step, Sailor ½ Turn, Pivot ¼ Turn
1-4Cross over with R, L side touch, cross over with L, R side step
5&6-7-8Cross behind with L making ¼ turn L, ¼ turn L with R side step, L fwd step, R fwd step, ¼ turn L pivot
Cross Rock Step, Chasse, Cross, ¼, Chasse ¼ Turn
1-2-3&4R cross rock, recover onto L, R side step, tog with L, R side step
5-6-7&8Cross over with L, ¼ turn L stepping back with R, ¼ turn L side step, tog with R, L side step
Cross Rock Step, Chasse, Cross, ¼, Shuffle ½ Turn
1-2-3&4R cross rock, recover onto L, R side step, tog with L, R side step
5-6-7&8Cross over with L, ¼ turn L stepping back with R, ¼ turn L side step, tog with R, ¼ turn L fwd step
Contact: annie.saerens@countryplanet.be / www.countryplanet.be