Intro: 16 Counts (08 Sec)
Sec 1: 1-8 Fwd, Heel Flick L, Cross, Heel Flick R, Cross & Cross, Lift
1-2Step forward on Rf, flick L heel to Left (12:00)
3-4Cross Lf over Rf, flick R heel to right
5-6-7Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf slightly to left, cross Rf over Lf
8Lift L knee up holding weight onto Rf (12:00)
Sec 2: 9-16 Cross, 3/4 Fondu L, Fwd, 1/2 Fondu L, Back Rock / Recover, Fwd, Hold
1-2(this counts are quicky) Step forward on Lf, turn 3/4 left (3) raise and stretching L leg out to left holding weight onto Rf (3/4 Fondu left)
3-4(this counts are quicky) Step forward on Lf, turn 1/2 left (9) raise and stretching L leg out to left holding weight onto Rf (1/2 Fondu left )
5-6Rock Lf back, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
7-8Step forward on Lf, HOLD (9:00)
Easy Option: While you dancing the steps 9 to 12 you can making sweep motions
Sec 3: 17-24 Large Cross Step Fwd, Hitch, Large Step Fwd, Hitch with 1/4 Turn L Weave Left with 1/4 Turn L
1-2Step Rf large across Lf, hitch L knee up (9:00)
3-4Step Lf large forward, turn 1/4 to left (6) hitch R knee up weight onto Lf
5-6-7Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to the left, Step Rf behind Lf
8Turn 1/4 to left (3) step forward on Lf weight onto Lf
Sec 4: 25-32 Cross Rock / Recover, Side Rock / Recover, Back Rock / Recover, 1/2 Turn L, Back, 1/4 Turn L, Side
1-2Cross rock forward on Rf, recover on Lf (3:00)
3-4Rock Rf to the right, recover on Lf
5-6Rock back on Rf, recover on Lf
7-8Turn 1/4 to left (9) step back on Rf, turn 1/4 left (6) step Lf to the left weight onto Lf
Option: While you dancing the steps 24 to 30 use your hips with the steps
Start again and have fun!
Sec 1: 1-8 Fwd, Heel Flick L, Cross, Heel Flick R, Cross & Cross, Lift
1-2Step forward on Rf, flick L heel to Left (12:00)
3-4Cross Lf over Rf, flick R heel to right
5-6-7Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf slightly to left, cross Rf over Lf
8Lift L knee up holding weight onto Rf (12:00)
Sec 2: 9-16 Cross, 3/4 Fondu L, Fwd, 1/2 Fondu L, Back Rock / Recover, Fwd, Hold
1-2(this counts are quicky) Step forward on Lf, turn 3/4 left (3) raise and stretching L leg out to left holding weight onto Rf (3/4 Fondu left)
3-4(this counts are quicky) Step forward on Lf, turn 1/2 left (9) raise and stretching L leg out to left holding weight onto Rf (1/2 Fondu left )
5-6Rock Lf back, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
7-8Step forward on Lf, HOLD (9:00)
Easy Option: While you dancing the steps 9 to 12 you can making sweep motions
Sec 3: 17-24 Large Cross Step Fwd, Hitch, Large Step Fwd, Hitch with 1/4 Turn L Weave Left with 1/4 Turn L
1-2Step Rf large across Lf, hitch L knee up (9:00)
3-4Step Lf large forward, turn 1/4 to left (6) hitch R knee up weight onto Lf
5-6-7Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to the left, Step Rf behind Lf
8Turn 1/4 to left (3) step forward on Lf weight onto Lf
Sec 4: 25-32 Cross Rock / Recover, Side Rock / Recover, Back Rock / Recover, 1/2 Turn L, Back, 1/4 Turn L, Side
1-2Cross rock forward on Rf, recover on Lf (3:00)
3-4Rock Rf to the right, recover on Lf
5-6Rock back on Rf, recover on Lf
7-8Turn 1/4 to left (9) step back on Rf, turn 1/4 left (6) step Lf to the left weight onto Lf
Option: While you dancing the steps 24 to 30 use your hips with the steps
Start again and have fun!