CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dancing In Circles

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Rachael McEnaney (USA) - February 2011
Dancing In Circles - Love and Theft
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Count In: 24 counts from start of track – dance begins on vocals. (lots of holds as it’s fast waltz)

[1 – 12] Side R, drag L, Side L, drag R, full travelling turn to right, side R, drag L
1 2 3Take big step to right side (1), drag left foot in next to right over 2 counts (2,3) 12.00
4 5 6Take big step to left side (4), drag right foot in next to left over 2 counts (5,6) 12.00
1 2 3Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (1), hold (2), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (3) 9.00
4 5 6Make ¼ turn right taking big step to right side (4), drag left foot in next to right over 2 counts (5,6) 12.00

[13 – 24] Repeat 1-12 on L foot: Side L, drag R, side R, drag L, full travelling turn to left, side L, drag R
1 2 3Take big step to left side (1), drag right foot in next to left over 2 counts (2,3) 12.00
4 5 6Take big step to right side (4), drag left foot in next to left over 2 counts (5,6) 12.00
1 2 3Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (1), hold (2), make ½ turn left stepping back on right (3) 3.00
4 5 6Make ¼ turn right taking big step to left side (4), drag right foot in next to left over 2 counts (5,6) 12.00

[25 – 36] Facing diagonals: Step R, Kick L, hold, L behind, R side, L cross, Step R, Kick L, R coaster step
1 2 3Step R foot forward on L diagonal (10.30) (1), kick left foot forward slowly over 2 counts (2,3) 10.30
4 5 6Step back on left (4), step right to right side (5), step left foot forward on right diagonal (1.30) (6) 1.30
1 2 3Step right foot forward (1.30) (1), kick left foot forward slowly over 2 counts (2,3) 1.30
4 5 6Step back on left (4), step right next to left (5), step forward on left (6) 1.30

[37 – 48] Cross R, sweep L, cross L, sweep R, cross R ¼ turn R with back basic, back L, ½ turn R with fwd basic
1 2 3Step forward on right (1), make 1/8 turn right sweeping left foot round (2,3) 3.00
4 5 6Cross left over right (4), sweep right foot round (5,6) 3.00
1 2 3Cross right over left (1), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (2), step right next to left (3) 6.00
4 5 6Step back on left (4), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (5), step left next to right (6) 12.00

[49 – 60] R fwd basic (close close), L back basic with ¼ turn R, R fwd basic, L back basic with ¼ turn R
1 2 3Step forward on right (1), step left next to right (2), step right in place (3) 12.00
4 5 6Step back on left (4), make ¼ turn right stepping right next to left (5), step left in place (6) 3.00
1 2 3Step forward on right (1), step left next to right (2), step right in place (3) 12.00
4 5 6Step back on left (4), make ¼ turn right stepping right next to left (5), step left in place (6) 6.00

[61 – 72] Cross R, point L, hold, L cross, R side rock, weave: R cross L side R behind, Side L, drag R
1 2 3Cross right over left (1), point left to left side (2), hold (3) 6.00
4 5 6(this is like a L twinkle – but no time to travel forward) Cross left over right (4), rock right to right side (5), recover weight to left (6) 6.00
1 2 3Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (2), cross right behind left (3) 6.00
4 5 6Take big step to left side (4), drag right foot in next to left over 2 counts (5,6) 6.00

TAG: At the end of the 5th wall you will be facing the back add the following 6 count tag:
1 2 3Take big step to right side (1), drag left foot in next to right over 2 counts (2,3) 6.00
4 5 6Take big step to left side (4), drag right foot in next to left over 2 counts (5,6) 6.00


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