Start 32 counts in
R Touch Out-In, Turn 1/4 R Triple forward
1-2Touch R toe Out, In
3&4Step R 1/4 turn To R step L-R forward, Step L 1/4 turn R, L triple Forward
5-6Step L forward turning 1/4 R, shift weight to R
7&8Step L forward, bring R to L, Step L forward
1/4 Pivot Turn To L, R Coaster
1-2Step R forward turn 1/4 L ( weight shifts to L foot)
3&4Step R back, step L back, Step R forward
5-6L Strut, R Strut
7-8L forward Toe Heel strut, R forward Toe Heel Strut
360 Paddle Turn to R( also variation for those who do not want to turn)
1-8Touch L Toe Paddle turn to R 4X
(variation for those who do not like full turns:
Step L touch R, Step R, touch L, repeat)
Slow Hip Bumps L,R, Slow L coaster Hold
1-2bump hips L 2x
3-4Bump Hips R 2x
5-8Step back on L, Back on R, forward L, hold
Although I could have musically put in tags I chose not to, for beginners.
(they do not like them!!!)
R Touch Out-In, Turn 1/4 R Triple forward
1-2Touch R toe Out, In
3&4Step R 1/4 turn To R step L-R forward, Step L 1/4 turn R, L triple Forward
5-6Step L forward turning 1/4 R, shift weight to R
7&8Step L forward, bring R to L, Step L forward
1/4 Pivot Turn To L, R Coaster
1-2Step R forward turn 1/4 L ( weight shifts to L foot)
3&4Step R back, step L back, Step R forward
5-6L Strut, R Strut
7-8L forward Toe Heel strut, R forward Toe Heel Strut
360 Paddle Turn to R( also variation for those who do not want to turn)
1-8Touch L Toe Paddle turn to R 4X
(variation for those who do not like full turns:
Step L touch R, Step R, touch L, repeat)
Slow Hip Bumps L,R, Slow L coaster Hold
1-2bump hips L 2x
3-4Bump Hips R 2x
5-8Step back on L, Back on R, forward L, hold
Although I could have musically put in tags I chose not to, for beginners.
(they do not like them!!!)