32 counts intro
½ Monterey Turn, Point Behind Turn, Shuffle Fw
1,2point R to right side, make ½ turn right stepping R next to left
3,4point L to left side, step L to right weight on L (6.00)
5,6point R back, ½ turn right weight stays on L (12.00)
7&8step fw on R, step L together, step R fw, weight on R
Step Touch Fw X2, Back Shuffle, Coaster Step
&1,2step L together next to R, step R diagonally forward, touch L to next right
3,4step L diagonally forward, touch R next to left
5&6step R back, L next to right, step R back,
7&8step L back, step R next to right, step L forward
Right Heel Grind X2, Mambo ½ Turn, L Scissorstep
1-4Cross right heel over le ft. Grind right heel right whilst stepping left fw, repeat
5&6rock forward on R, back on L, ½ turn right, step forward on R (6.00)
7&8step L to L side, step R next to L, cross L over R.
R Scissor step, L Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Kickball Cross
1&2step R to R side, step L next to R, cross R over L
3,4rock L to side, rock back on R
5&6cross L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R
7&8kick R diagonally fw, step R down, cross L over R, weight on L (6.00)
ENDING: Wall 12 dance first 30, then kick ball step fw on L
½ Monterey Turn, Point Behind Turn, Shuffle Fw
1,2point R to right side, make ½ turn right stepping R next to left
3,4point L to left side, step L to right weight on L (6.00)
5,6point R back, ½ turn right weight stays on L (12.00)
7&8step fw on R, step L together, step R fw, weight on R
Step Touch Fw X2, Back Shuffle, Coaster Step
&1,2step L together next to R, step R diagonally forward, touch L to next right
3,4step L diagonally forward, touch R next to left
5&6step R back, L next to right, step R back,
7&8step L back, step R next to right, step L forward
Right Heel Grind X2, Mambo ½ Turn, L Scissorstep
1-4Cross right heel over le ft. Grind right heel right whilst stepping left fw, repeat
5&6rock forward on R, back on L, ½ turn right, step forward on R (6.00)
7&8step L to L side, step R next to L, cross L over R.
R Scissor step, L Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Kickball Cross
1&2step R to R side, step L next to R, cross R over L
3,4rock L to side, rock back on R
5&6cross L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R
7&8kick R diagonally fw, step R down, cross L over R, weight on L (6.00)
ENDING: Wall 12 dance first 30, then kick ball step fw on L