Walk, Walk, Kick-Ball-Touch, 1/2turn Left, Kick-Ball-Touch-And-Touch
1-2Walk right forward, walk left forward
3&4Kick right foot forward, step right foot beside left, touch left foot behind right
5make ½ unwind turn to left keeping weight on right foot (6 o'clock)
6&7&8Kick left foot forward, step left foot beside right, point right toes to right side, step right foot beside left, point left toes to left side
Walk, Walk, Left Lock Step Forward, ½ Left Pivot Turn, ½ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left
1-2Walk forward left, walk forward right
3&4step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left, step left foot forward
5-6Step right foot forward, make 1/2 turn to left taking weight on left (12 o'clock)
7-8Make ½ turn to left stepping back on right foot (6 o'clock), make ¼ turn to left stepping left foot to left side (3 o'clock)
Option: Easier Count for beginners instead of 1 ¼ turn
5-6Walk back right, walk back left (6 o'clock)
7-8Walk back right, make ¼ turn to left stepping back on left foot to left side (3 o'clock)
Behind-Side-Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Cross, Turn ¼ Right, Turn ¼ Right
1&2Cross right behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right over left
3-4Rock left foot out to left side, recover weight on right
5&6Cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right
7-8Step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn to the right (6 o'clock), Step left foot forward making a ¼ turn to right (9 o'clock)
Right Sailor, Left Sailor, Right Hip Forward, Left Hip Forward
1&2Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step ri ght foot to right side
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot to left side
5&6Bump right hip forward, bump left hip back, bump right hip forward
7&8Bump left hip forward, bump right hip back, bump left hip forward
RESTART: On wall 8 you will do the FIRST 16 counts of the dance and then you will restart the dance.
Contact: lindancinallen@aol.com
1-2Walk right forward, walk left forward
3&4Kick right foot forward, step right foot beside left, touch left foot behind right
5make ½ unwind turn to left keeping weight on right foot (6 o'clock)
6&7&8Kick left foot forward, step left foot beside right, point right toes to right side, step right foot beside left, point left toes to left side
Walk, Walk, Left Lock Step Forward, ½ Left Pivot Turn, ½ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left
1-2Walk forward left, walk forward right
3&4step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left, step left foot forward
5-6Step right foot forward, make 1/2 turn to left taking weight on left (12 o'clock)
7-8Make ½ turn to left stepping back on right foot (6 o'clock), make ¼ turn to left stepping left foot to left side (3 o'clock)
Option: Easier Count for beginners instead of 1 ¼ turn
5-6Walk back right, walk back left (6 o'clock)
7-8Walk back right, make ¼ turn to left stepping back on left foot to left side (3 o'clock)
Behind-Side-Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Cross, Turn ¼ Right, Turn ¼ Right
1&2Cross right behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right over left
3-4Rock left foot out to left side, recover weight on right
5&6Cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right
7-8Step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn to the right (6 o'clock), Step left foot forward making a ¼ turn to right (9 o'clock)
Right Sailor, Left Sailor, Right Hip Forward, Left Hip Forward
1&2Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step ri ght foot to right side
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot to left side
5&6Bump right hip forward, bump left hip back, bump right hip forward
7&8Bump left hip forward, bump right hip back, bump left hip forward
RESTART: On wall 8 you will do the FIRST 16 counts of the dance and then you will restart the dance.
Contact: lindancinallen@aol.com