CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Like Me

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Emily Woo (CAN) - January 2011
Like Me - Girlicious
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Intro: 32 counts in

Step, Walk X4, ½ Turn Left, Hold, Hand Move Up And Down
&1-4Step R in place, Walk forward L, R, L, R
5,6Turn ½ L with weight on L, Hold (6 o’clock)
7,8Raise both hands up (palm face forward), drop both hands down (palm face forward)

Out, Out, (Hand Movement), Step Across, ¼ Turn Left
&1Step R to side, Step L to side
2,3&4Swing R hand up (hold fist) slightly right diagonal to sky (2), Punch R hand down across the Body pointing to floor (hold fist) with R knee bend inward (3), circle R hand anti-clockwise (&) punch the R elbow to R side and sit on R foot (4)
5,6R hand swing Up, R hand swing down (still in a sit position)
&7,8step L besides R, Step R across L, Turn 1/4 L (3 o’clock)

Forward Shuffle, Step Turn Step, Kick Ball Forward With Hand Movement X2
1&2Shuffle forward R,L,R
3&4Step L forward, Turn ½ R, Step L Forward (9 o’clock)
5&6Kick R forward with both hands swing to R side, Step R besides L (slightly bend down), Step L forward with hands swing to L and slap R hand on L thigh
7&8repeat 5&6

Coaster, Turn ¾ R, Across And Slap, Shoulder Circle, Point Switch, ¼ L
1&2Step R back , Step L besides R, Step R forward
&3,4Turn ½ R with L step back, Turn ¼ R with step R to side, Step L across R and slap R hand on R Hip
5,Circle R shoulder forward, up, down
6&7Point R to side, Step R beside L, Point L to Side
8Ball of R turn ¼ L, drag L towards R foot with R heel up at the same time

Start Again

ENDING: Dance the second section (3 o’clock) to count &7, Hold 8, one more extra count, turn to front Wall and Pose


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