CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate / Advanced
Irene Leung - January 2011
Grenade - Bruno Mars
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Start after 32 counts

Heel, Cross, Touch, Heel, Cross, Touch, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, Recover W/ ¼ Turn R
1&2Touch right heel to the right slightly forward, cross right in front of left, touch left toe to left
3&4Touch left heel to the left slightly forward, cross left in front of right, touch right toe to right
5&6Cross right behind left, step left to the side, cross right in front of left
7-8Step left to the side, recover to right w/ ¼ turn R (3:00)

Roll Full Turn R Forward, Step, ½ Turn R, Forward Mambo, Back, ½ Turn L, Step
1-2Pivot ½ turn R stepping back on left, ½ turn R stepping forward on right (3:00)
3-4Step forward on left, ½ turn R transferring weight back to right (9:00)
5&6Step left forward, recover to right, step left back
7&8Step right back, ½ turn L stepping left foot forward, step right forward

Walk, Walk, Side, Tap, Ball, Cross, ¼ Turn R, Step, Pivot ½ Turn R
1-3Walk left forward, walk right forward, take bigger step to the left
4&5Tap right foot next to left, step right next to left, cross left in front of right (6:00)
6-8Step right to the R w/ ¼ turn R, step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn R keeping weight on left (12:00)

Touch Behind, Body Roll Back, Ball, Back, Back, Back Mambo ½ Turn L Back, Behind, ¼ Turn R, Cross
1-2Touch right toe behind, body roll back and transfer weight to right foot
&34Step left foot next to right, walk back on right, walk back on left
5&6Step back on right, recover to left w/ ¼ turn L, step right to the side (9:00)
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to the side, cross left in front of right

Side, Together, Cross Shuffle, Roll ½ Turn R, Ball, Side Rock, Recover
1-2Step right to side, step left together
3&4Cross right over left, left slightly to left, cross right over left
5-6Step left to side w/ ¼ turn R, continue pivoting ¼ turn R stepping right to side
7&8Step left together, rock right to R, recover to left
RESTART DURING 2nd &5th wall

Ball, Shuffle Forward, Point Forward, Point Side, Sailor ½ Turn R, Lunge, Recover
&1&2Step right foot next to left, step left forward, right foot ball step just behind left, step left forward
3-4Point right toe forward, point right toe to the right
5&6Swipe right foot behind, pivot ½ turn on right stepping left together, step forward on right
7-8Lunge forward on left, recover to right

Hitch, Behind, Side, Cross, Behind, Side, Cross, 2-Step Spiral Full Turn L, Kick
1-2&Hitch left leg, step left behind right, right to the side
3-4&Cross rock left forward, recover to right, step left to side
5-7Step right forward, spiral full turn L with 2 counts (6-7) keeping weight on right foot
8Kick left forward

Behind, Side Mambo Together, Forward Mambo Together, Step, ½ Turn L, Touch In
1-2&3Step left behind right, rock right to side, recover to left, step right together
4&5Rock left forward, recover to right, step left together
6-8Step right forward, ½ turn L shifting weight to left, touch right next to left

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