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Samba Si ! Arbeit No ! (Samba Yes ! Work No !)

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Patty Hui Hua Wu (TW) - October 2010
Samba si, Arbeit no - Roberto Blanco
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Starts : after 32 counts/16 seconds after “Uh”

BOTA FOGO Twice, Traveling VOLTA to the Right
1a2Cross left over right, rock right to side, recover to left
3a4Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover to right
5a6aCross left over right, step right to side placing weight on ball of right, cross left over right, step right to side placing weight on ball of right
7a8Cross left over right, step right to side placing weight on ball of right, cross left over right

Rock 1/8 Turn R, Recover, Right Coaster, Left Mambo ½ Turn Left, Walk, Walk
1-2Rock right forward making 1/8 turn to right (1:30), recover to left
3&4Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward
5&6Rock left forward, recover to right, ½ turn to left step left forward (7:30)
7-8Walk right forward, walk left forward (with sexy style)

Right Syncopated Lock Traveling Forward, Rock, Recover, Side, Behind, Side, Forward
1&2&Step right forward, step left behind right, step right forward, step left behind right
3&4Step right forward, step left behind right, step right forward (7:30)
Styling for count 1-4 : roll hands around each other quickly from chest and stopping above the head
5&6Rock left forward, recover to right, step left to side making 1/8 turn to left (6:00)
7&8Step right behind left,14/ turn to left step left forward, step right forward (3:00)

Samba Wisk’s Twice, Left Mambo, Right Sailor
1a2Step left to side, cross right behind left placing weight on ball of right ,replace weight back to left
3a4Step right to side, cross left behind right placing weight on ball of left, replace weight back to right
5&6Rock left forward, recover to right, step left slight back
7&8Step right behind left, step left to side, step right to side

Start again !

Ending : 2 count
After last Wall will face 6 o’clock : 1) step left forward 2)pivot ½ turn right to face 12 o’clock have your own pose !


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