Upper Beginner / Improver
Alt. Music: Cadillac Baby by Colin James.
Side rock and kick
1 2Rock right foot to the right side and recover weight onto left foot.
3 4Kick right foot forward a small low kick twice.
5 6Rock right foot to the right side and recover weight onto left foot.
7 8Kick right foot forward a small low kick twice.
Step ½ turn pivots, coaster step
1Step right foot back as you make ½ turn right (6:00)
2Hitch left foot and pivot on the right foot turning continuing turn another 1/2 to the right (12:00)
3Step left down
4Kick right foot forward a small low kick
5Step right foot back
6bring left foot to right
7Step right foot forward
8Step left foot forward to right
Rock and cross steps
1Step right foot across in front of left
2Step left foot to left side
3Rock weight onto right foot
4Step left foot across in front of right
5Step right foot to right side
6Rock weight on to left foot
7Step right foot across in front of left
8Step left foot to right foot
Walks to make a slow ½ right turn with attitude!
1Step right foot ¼ turn to right (3:00)
3Step left foot forward
5Step right foot ¼ turn to right (6:00)
7Step left foot forward
Contact: Dancer29045@yahoo.com
Side rock and kick
1 2Rock right foot to the right side and recover weight onto left foot.
3 4Kick right foot forward a small low kick twice.
5 6Rock right foot to the right side and recover weight onto left foot.
7 8Kick right foot forward a small low kick twice.
Step ½ turn pivots, coaster step
1Step right foot back as you make ½ turn right (6:00)
2Hitch left foot and pivot on the right foot turning continuing turn another 1/2 to the right (12:00)
3Step left down
4Kick right foot forward a small low kick
5Step right foot back
6bring left foot to right
7Step right foot forward
8Step left foot forward to right
Rock and cross steps
1Step right foot across in front of left
2Step left foot to left side
3Rock weight onto right foot
4Step left foot across in front of right
5Step right foot to right side
6Rock weight on to left foot
7Step right foot across in front of left
8Step left foot to right foot
Walks to make a slow ½ right turn with attitude!
1Step right foot ¼ turn to right (3:00)
3Step left foot forward
5Step right foot ¼ turn to right (6:00)
7Step left foot forward
Contact: Dancer29045@yahoo.com